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Napoleonic Wars (1803-15)

Views of naval engagements and maps of battles

Spain Twelve Views of the principal occurences of the Campaigns of 1810 and 1811 in Spain and Portugal: by Major T. S.t Clair, engraved by C. Turner, 1812-15.


RCIN 735155

A set of twelve views of the principal occurrences of the campaigns of 1810 and 1811 in Spain and Portugal. The prints are based on the paintings of Thomas Staunton St Clair (1774-1857) of the 94th Regiment of Foot, who made many watercolours of the Peninsular campaigns. Napoleonic Wars (1803-15)Peninsular War (1808-14). See RCINs 735155.a-m.

The prints are catalogued individually and comprise numbers 1-2, [3: not numbered], 4-8, [9: not numbered], 10, [11: not numbered], 12. The names of the publishers are listed in the imprints, probably in the order according to the number of shares each had in the publishing venture. John Marnoch appears to have been an early casualty, being the first-named publisher of only the first two prints. Ackerman appeared to have taken over from Molteno in about 1815.

The National Army Museum records state that this set comprises sixteen views (NAM accession number 1971-02-33-507), but only twelve are recorded by the British Museum and the Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection. The Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal has a set of twelve prints (D.S. XIX – 190) bound in a volume with a green leather binding with the title stamped in gold on the upper board: 'CAMPAIGNS / IN / SPAIN AND PORTUGAL / MAJOR T. ST. CLAIR / LONDON / 1815'. It appears that the prints in this set have been cut down to the edge of the view, then mounted on paper or thin card with the title of each being hand lettered on the mount. The title page of the volume also appears to be hand lettered, all in upper case: 'A Series of Views / of / The Principal Occurrences / of the Campaigns / in / Spain and Portugal, / taken during the Peninsular War / by / Major T. St. Clair / and engraved by / C. Turner / London: / Published by Messrs. Colnaghi and Co. / Cockspur-Street, Charing-Cross. / 1815'. This volume in the National Library of Portugal may have been made up sometime later in the nineteenth century.

The set in the Royal Collection comprises the following prints:

1. Fording of the River Mendego by the Allied Army 21 September 1811 (RCIN 735155.a)
2. Pass of the Tagus at Villo Velha into the Alentjo 20 May 1811 (RCIN 735155.b)
[3.] Battle of Foentes d'Onor 5 May 1811 (RCIN 735155.c)
4. Badajos during the Siege of June 1811 (RCIN 735155.d)
5. Troops bevouack'd near the Village of Vila Velha 19th May 1811 (RCIN 735155.e)
6. Serro de Busacco at St Antonio de Cantaro 27 September 1810 (RCIN 735155.f)
7. The Vollage of Pombal in flames 11 March 1811 (RCIN 735155.g)
8. City of Coimbra [1810/11] (RCIN 735155.h)
[9.] Subugal on the Coa [3 April 1811] (RCIN 735155.i)
10. A distant view of Ciudad Rodrigo [1811] (RCIN 73515.k ['j' is not used])
[11.] Serro de Estrelo on de neve 16 May 1811 (RCIN 735155.l)
12. Penamacor 18 March 1811 (RCIN 735155.m)

  • Bibliographic reference(s)

    C. Kent, Estampas de la Guerra de la Independencia en la Provincia de Salamanca. Salamanca, 2010

Page revisions

  • 5 June 2024