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Other 18th-/19th-century conflicts

Maps, views and documents from 19 wars


Battle of Culloden, 1746

PLAN of the BATTLE of CULLODEN 16 April 1746


Etching and letterpress text printed on same sheet of paper; laid down on linen | Scale: not stated. 1:13,000 approx. | RCIN 730027

A map of the Battle of Culloden fought on 16 April 1746 between the King's army, commanded by William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland (1721-65) and the Jacobite army, under Charles Edward Stuart (1720-88) resulting in a royal victory. Jacobite Rebellion (1745-6). Oriented with south-west to top (cardinal points).

Except for the absence of the phrase ‘by their own Account' under the heading ‘Numbers of the several Clans ...’ the letterpress text in the bottom margin gives the same details as RCIN 730026, of which this printed derivation is not an exact copy. Small differences, such as the insertion of additional routes of the ‘Rebels’ flight’, individual trees, buildings and roads, appear to be taken from RCIN 730028, Thomas Sandby's version. Other minor alterations are taken from neither manuscript, and may have been inserted at the whim of the engraver. The earliest newspaper advertisement for the publication of a plan of Culloden appeared in The General Advertiser for 1 May 1746. Published by Mary Overton, it was ‘taken from a Drawing sent by an Officer in the Army’. Although this may refer to RCIN 730027, the first advertisement which can, with certainty, be identified with this item appeared in the same newspaper on 2 July 1746.

Additional text: [below map, three columns of manuscript text, left to right:] The KING's Army commanded by His Royal Highness / the Duke of CUMBERLAND. [followed by an enumeration of the troops and the numbers killed and wounded in the King's army]; REFERENCES to the PLAN. [explanation of the letters A-G]; Numbers of the several Clans and Bodies which composed the Rebel Forces.

Condition: one fold line; brown stains and foxing to both sides, especially verso. Verso: top left, water-stained patch and shadow from the removal of Cumberland's cipher label. As for RCIN 730026, there was a cipher label under the linen backing: fragments remain.
  • Dugal Campbell (d. 1757) (draughtsman) [top, between title and neatline:] Drawn by Dug. Campbell Engineer.

    Mosley, C.: Golden-Head, in Hart-Street, Upper end of Bow-Street (Charles Mosley (bap.10 April 1713-d.12 May 1756)) (engraver) [bottom left, outside neatline:] C Mosley Scu.t.; [centre, between neatline and printed text:] PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY

    Overton, M.: Fleet St (Mary Overton (active 1724-9)) (print seller) [bottom centre, below printed text:] Sold by M. OVERTON, in Fleet-Street, and C. MOSLEY, at the Golden-Head, in Hart-Street, the Upper-end of Bow-Street. 1746. Price One Shilling.

  • Watermark: Fleur-de-lys; countermark: IV

    Condition: one fold line; brown stains and foxing to both sides, especially verso. Verso: top left, water-stained patch and shadow from the removal of Cumberland's cipher label. As for RCIN 730026, there was a cipher label under the linen backing: fragments remain

  • Scale: not stated. 1:13,000 approx.

    17.9 x 38.7 cm (neatline)

    35.8 x 39.3 cm (image)

    20.9 x 39.8 cm (platemark)

    20.1 x 39.1 cm (image of map)

    36.3 x 47.4 cm (sheet)

  • Printed title:

    PLAN of the BATTLE of CULLODEN 16 April 1746. [across top of map, outside neatline]

    Additional text:

    [below map, three columns of manuscript text, left to right:] The KING's Army commanded by His Royal Highness / the Duke of CUMBERLAND. [followed by an enumeration of the troops and the numbers killed and wounded in the King's army]; REFERENCES to the PLAN. [explanation of the letters A-G]; Numbers of the several Clans and Bodies which composed the Rebel Forces.


    George III heading: Battle of Culloden 16 April 1746.

    Other annotations: (Recto) none. (Verso) [left centre, red pencil, crossed out in red pencil, obscured by linen:] 26; [centre, red pencil, obscured by linen:] 20.

    George III catalogue entry:

    Culloden Plan of the Battle of Culloden, April 1746; by Dugal Campbell Eng.r engraved by Mosley, 1746.

  • Subject(s)

    ​Culloden Moor (Highland Region, Scotland, UK) 57°28'00"N 04°05'00"W

Page revisions

  • 14 March 2024