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Other 18th-/19th-century conflicts

Maps, views and documents from 19 wars


Great Britain, 1745-6

CARTE / Où sont tracées toutes les différentes routes, que / S.A.R. CHARLES EDWARD PRINCE DE GALLES, a / suivies dans la grande Bretagne, et les marches, tant de son armée, / que de celle de l'Ennemi. On y trouve aussi les...

published 1747

Engraving and etching; printed on paper; hand-coloured | Scale: 1:705,600 approx. | RCIN 729134

A map of the routes travelled by, and sieges and battle of Prince Charles Edward Stuart in Great Britain, 1745-6. Jacobite Rebellion (1745-46). Oriented with north to top.

This example is dated 1747; other examples such as those in the British Library (*1135.(2.)), and Bibliothèque Nationale de France, GEDD-2987 (1911,1-9B), and the copy described by Blaikie, are dated 1748.

The dates in the chronological table are stated to be New Style (that is, following the Gregorian calendar); these dates are not accurate. For example, the date for the Battle of Culloden is given as 27 April 1746 instead of the 16th. It is possible that the compiler thought that the date of the 16th was given in Old Style (i.e. according to the Julian calendar which was 11 days behind the Gregorian calendar). Blaikie 1897, pp.104-6, notes further discrepancies of the dates.

This French edition of the map is described in Blaikie, who pronounces it ‘of no geographical value, but is a good military diagram’. The routes of the two armies are distinguished by different colours. A note, bottom left, indicates that Grante based this map on an old map by Morden, generally dated 1700. Shirley 1988, p.62 suggests that this might have been Morden's ‘lost’ wall map of 1674.

Another example of this map is in the collections of the Royal Scottish Geographical Society. It bears an inscription that its provenance was Rome and that it came from ‘the house of our unfortunate exiled King’ and was given to MacPherson of Cluny.

A reduced version of this map was published in English in about 1749 (see RCIN 729135).

The map is printed on nine sheets of paper, joined, hand-coloured, laid down on coarse linen and edged with pink silk; a brass ring for hanging is attached to the top left and right corners and top centre; two pink linen ties are attached top left and top right.

Dedication: [top right, below title, in title cartouche:] Dressée et présentée à SON ALTESSE ROYALE. / Par son très humble et très obeïssant Serviteur / J.A. Grante / Baron d'Iverque, et Colonel de l'Artillerie / du Prince en Ecosse.

Additional text: [top left, a brief account of the movements and actions of Prince Charles Edward in Great Britain from the Battle of Prestonpans (21 September 1745) to the aftermath of the Battle of Culloden (16 April 1746):] ABREGÉ / DES PRINCIPALES ACTIONS DU PRINCE DANS SON ENTREPRISE. [Top right, below title, in title cartouche:] Cette Carte sera très utile pour l'Histoire, les dates des principaux / événemens y étant marquées avec exatitude. [Bottom left, below scale bars, a key to the symbols used to distinguish the different routes, followed by the note:] On s’est plutôt attaché dans cette Carte a donner les routes et les mouvemens des armees, / qu’à faire une description geographique; et l’on s’est servi d’une vieille Carte de / Morden, sans y rien changer, la grandeur et l’exactitude en ayant paru assez convena- / bles au projet qu’on avoit formé. [Bottom right, a chronology of events from 14 July 1745 to 10 October 1746:] DATES DES ÉVÉNEMENTS LES PLUS CONSIDERABLES; [bottom left, below scale bar in cartouche:] le prix est de 12 livre.

Condition: four fold lines; considerable brown discolouration and foxing; some wear and tear along folds. Verso: substantial brown discolouration; heavy surface dirt along top edge, consistent with the map having been stored rolled and tied; top right, remains of old label.
  • Colonel James Alexander Grante (active 1745-6) (cartographer)

    Jaillot: Quay des Augustins, Paris (publisher) [bottom left, at the end of the text giving the symbols, etc:] Avec privilége du Roy, 1747.; [bottom left, below edge of border:] Aparis chez Jaillot Geographe Ord,e du Roy Quay des Augustins.

    Prince William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, 3rd son of George II, King of Great Britain (1721-65) (dedicatee)

  • Watermark: None visible

    Condition: four fold lines; considerable brown discolouration and foxing; some wear and tear along folds. Verso: substantial brown discolouration; heavy surface dirt along top edge, consistent with the map having been stored rolled and tied; top right, remains of old label. The map is printed on nine sheets of paper, joined, hand-coloured, laid down on coarse linen and edged with pink silk; a brass ring for hanging is attached to the top left and right corners and top centre; two pink linen ties are attached top left and top right.

  • Scale: 1:705,600 approx. Scale bars: ECHELLES Milles academiques d'Angleterre [63 mm =] 30; Milles ordinaires d'Angleterre [63 mm =] 24; Milles d'Ecosse [61 mm =] 20; Milles d'Irlande [63 mm =] 18; Lieuës communes de France [63 mm =] 10.

    158.3 x 162.3 cm (image)

    160.0 x 163.9 cm (sheet)

  • Printed title:

    CARTE / Où sont tracées toutes les différentes routes, que / S.A.R. CHARLES EDWARD PRINCE DE GALLES, a / suivies dans la grande Bretagne, et les marches, tant de son armée, / que de celle de l'Ennemi. On y trouve aussi les Siéges qui ont été faits, / et les Batailles qui ont été données dans son entreprise. [top right, in rococo cartouche surmounted by the achievement of James I of England]


    Dressée et présentée à SON ALTESSE ROYALE. / Par son très humble et très obeïssant Serviteur / J.A. Grante / Baron d'Iverque, et Colonel de l'Artillerie / du Prince en Ecosse. [top right, below title, in title cartouche]

    Additional text:

    ABREGÉ / DES PRINCIPALES ACTIONS DU PRINCE DANS SON ENTREPRISE. [top left, a brief account of the movements and actions of Prince Charles Edward in Great Britain from the Battle of Prestonpans (21 September 1745) to the aftermath of the Battle of Culloden (16 April 1746)]; Cette Carte sera très utile pour l'Histoire, les dates des principaux / événemens y étant marquées avec exatitude. [Top right, below title, in title cartouche]; On s’est plutôt attaché dans cette Carte a donner les routes et les mouvemens des armees, / qu’à faire une description geographique; et l’on s’est servi d’une vieille Carte de / Morden, sans y rien changer, la grandeur et l’exactitude en ayant paru assez convena- / bles au projet qu’on avoit formé. [Bottom left, below scale bars, a key to the symbols used to distinguish the different routes, followed by the note]; DATES DES ÉVÉNEMENTS LES PLUS CONSIDERABLES; [bottom left, below scale bar in cartouche:] le prix est de 12 livre. [Bottom right, a chronology of events from 14 July 1745 to 10 October 1746]


    George III heading: IX/134 Military [top left, black pencil]; IX/134 Britain 1746 [bottom right, black pencil].

    Other annotations: (Recto) none. (Verso) [bottom right of one of the folded panels, black pencil, in a twentieth-century hand?:] Scotland 1745; [top right, Royal Library label, red ink:] IX 34 Great Britain; [top right, remains of old label, brown ink:] VII/1.

    K. Mil. dummy sheet:

    Title [ink:] Carte ou sont tracées les differentes Routes que S. AR. Charles Edward, Prince de Galles, a suivies dans la Grande / Bretagne, et les marches, tant de son Armée, que de celle de l'Ennemi; avec les Sieges et les Batailles: dressée par / I. [i.e. J?] A. Grante - chez Jaillot 1747 9 feuilles / A Roll ... [Pencil:] 1 Table / [George III heading, red ink:] Britain 14 July 1745 - 10 Oct.r 1746; [black pencil, in a modern hand:] Big: separate folder Nov'86 CMB [i.e. 1986].
    Watermark: fleur-de-lys in shield, crown above, the enscrolled letter W below.
    Size: 47.0 x 32.7 cm (sheet).

    George III catalogue entry:

    Britain Carte où sont tracées les differentes Routes que S.A.R. Charles Edward Prince de Galles a suivies dans la Grande Bretagne, et les Marches tant de son Armée que de celle de l'Ennemi, avec les Sieges et les Batailles depuis le 14 Juillet 1745 jusqu'au 10 1746: dressée par I.A. Grante, chez Jaillot, 1747. 9 feuilles.

  • Bibliographic reference(s)

    W.B.Blaikie, Itinerary of Prince Charles Edward Stuart from his landing in Scotland July 1745 to his departure in September 1746. Compiled from the Lyon in Mourning [of Bishop Forbes], Edinburgh, 1897

Page revisions

  • 14 March 2024