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Other 18th-/19th-century conflicts

Maps, views and documents from 19 wars


Map of Flushing and Walcheren, 1784 (Vlissingen, Netherlands) 51°26'33"N 03°34'25"E; (Walcheren, Netherlands) 51°31'10"N 03°34'47"E


Pencil, pen, ink and watercolour on paper | Scale: not stated | RCIN 734102.2.b

A map, together with four other manuscript maps and plans at RCINs 734102.2.a-e, appear to result from a clandestine intelligence gathering operation on the Walcheren area in December 1784 in advance of proposed British hostilities. Oriented with north to top. The report written down each side of this map gives a detailed account of the obstacles which would be encountered in landing assault troops.

Additional text: [left, down left side of map in rectangular panel, a reconnoitering report:] Dec:br 1784. / Half one Bat:n of In:try. in / Vlissengen, which may / be computed at 150 Men. / The distance from / Vlissengen to the Village / of Breskins, the nearest / point on the opposite / coast according to the / last & best Chart of this / Channel by de Lorff, a Cau / is one Dutch Mile; but by / the appeance [sic] of the op= / posite shore to such as are ac= / custom'd to judge of distan= / ces upon the Water, (a / matter of great difficulty) / it appears two French / Leagues, & the Inhabitants / of Vlissengen generaly [sic] / call it that distance. / I have attended little / to the Works that cover / the town on the Land / side as they are simply / earth Bastions with / square Flanks, & Curtains / that in many places / have neither Banquit / nor Parapet; no Cannons / are mounted, in short / their only strength pro= / ceeds from a Ditch of / 40 English feet in width which / surrounds them. A Road & Avenue bor= / ders the Ditch, the Coun= / try Houses & Gardens of / the Burghers are close / to the Road with Plant / inclosures neatly / join'd, 7 Feet in height; / a most excellent screen / to cover the intentions of an enimy [sic]. / I mention the trees on each / side the Road as Rafts might / be constructed with them to / pass the Ditch. [Right, down right side of map, in rectangular panel, a descriptive key, 1-22, of potential landing places for troops, and features of primary military importance:] Explanation of the Cyphers.

Five plans of part of the island of Walcheren and the attack on Flushing (Vlissingen). Formerly contained in a rough buff paper folder on which the old heading is written: XIV/102-2-a-e ['a-e' added in later hand] Walcheren, 1784. [Bottom, black pencil, in a modern hand:] Jan '87 [i.e. 1987] CMB.

Condition: no fold lines.
  • Anonymous (cartographer)

  • Watermark: Strasburg bend and lily, the letters GR below

    Mark, stamped: 1041

    Condition: no fold lines

  • Scale: not stated; according to the geographical extent stated in the title: 1:16,500 approx.

    13.4 x 29.0 cm (neatline)

    16.5 x 40.0 cm (image)

    20.1 x 42.5 cm (sheet)

  • Manuscript title:

    No 2 Walcheren. Vlissingen & the adjoining Coast, the whole extent one french League. or 2450 Toises. [top, outside border]

    Additional text:

    [left, down left side of map in rectangular panel, a reconnoitering report:] Dec:br 1784. / Half one Bat:n of In:try. in / Vlissengen, which may / be computed at 150 Men. / The distance from / Vlissengen to the Village / of Breskins, the nearest / point on the opposite / coast according to the / last & best Chart of this / Channel by de Lorff, a Cau / is one Dutch Mile; but by / the appeance [sic] of the op= / posite shore to such as are ac= / custom'd to judge of distan= / ces upon the Water, (a / matter of great difficulty) / it appears two French / Leagues, & the Inhabitants / of Vlissengen generaly [sic] / call it that distance. / I have attended little / to the Works that cover / the town on the Land / side as they are simply / earth Bastions with / square Flanks, & Curtains / that in many places / have neither Banquit / nor Parapet; no Cannons / are mounted, in short / their only strength pro= / ceeds from a Ditch of / 40 English feet in width which / surrounds them. A Road & Avenue bor= / ders the Ditch, the Coun= / try Houses & Gardens of / the Burghers are close / to the Road with Plant / inclosures neatly / join'd, 7 Feet in height; / a most excellent screen / to cover the intentions of an enimy [sic]. / I mention the trees on each / side the Road as Rafts might / be constructed with them to / pass the Ditch. [Right, down right side of map, in rectangular panel, a descriptive key, 1-22, of potential landing places for troops, and features of primary military importance:] Explanation of the Cyphers.


    George III heading: Walcheren, 1784.

    Other annotations: none.

    George III catalogue entry:

    Walcheren Five drawn Plans of Fortifications in the Island of Walcheren, relative to a proposed Attack of Flushing, 1784.

  • Subject(s)

    Vlissingen, Netherlands (51°26'33"N 03°34'25"E) Walcheren, Netherlands (51°31'10"N 03°34'47"E)

Page revisions

  • 23 May 2024