Other 18th-/19th-century conflicts
Maps, views and documents from 19 wars
Map of Ruotsinsalmi and Svenskund, 1789 (Ruotsinsalmi Sound, Baltic Sea, Finland) 60°28'00"N 26°58'59"E; (Kotka, Southern Finland, Finland) 60°27'00"N 26°59'24"E
c.1789Etching and engraving. Chart and three views, and text, printed from two copperplates on one sheet of thick paper. | Scale: 1:30,000 approx. | RCIN 734110.1.a
A chart and three views of the First Battle of Svensksund, also known as the First Battle of Rochensalm, fought on 24 August 1789 between the Russians, under the command of Prince Karl Heinrich of Nassau-Siegen (1743-1808), and the Swedes, commanded by Carl August Ehrensvärd, resulting in a Russian victory. Russo-Swedish War (1788-90). Oriented with north to top.
Svenskund was in Sweden at the time of the action. The Russians had 107 vessels to the Swedes' 45.
G Wallberg (active 1789) (draughtsman) [bottom left, inside neatline:] Ritat af G: Wallberg
J. Gillberg (active 1789) (engraver) [bottom right, inside neatline:] Graverat af J: Gillberg.
Navy-RussiaNavy-SwedenWatermark: Crowned double-headed eagle, two names, one above the other, possibly a third, unclear and illegible
Condition: one fold line; brown discolouration to both sides. Verso: induced discolouration
Scale: 1:30,000 approx. Scale bar: [99 mm =] 5000 Alnar.
65.2 x 52.1 cm (neatline)
85.6 x 53.7 cm (image)
12.3 x 14.6 cm (neatline of left view)
18.1 x 22.4 cm (neatline of middle view)
12.2 x 14.5 cm (neatline of right view)
88.5 x 56.2 cm (sheet)
Printed title:
PLAN af BATTAILLEN uti SVENSKUND den 24 AUGUSTI 1789 / Emillan Kongl Svenska Arméens Flotta under Öfver Amiralen och Commendeuren Grefve Ehrensvárds Befál och den Keyserliga Ryska Skárgårds Flåttan Commenderad utaf Prinsen af Nassau Siegen. [bottom, below map and views]
Additional text:
[bottom, below title, an account of the action with a key to the ships listing their names and those of their commanders.] [Bottom centre of text, in cartouche representing an stone slab:] Högsta Berget på Kotka hvarifrån Konglïg / Maijestát från Siöflagets början och alt / framgent under háftigaste Elden tog Bataillen / i ögnasigte tils Konglig Maijestát utfárda. / de Orderne för Escaderns retraite. / Första Stállet dár Konglig Maijestát tog land vid ut farten / från Kymene då ánnu ej med alfvare Actionvarbörjad.
George III heading: Naval Engagement in the Svenskund 24 Aug. 1789.
Other annotations: none.
George III catalogue entry:
Naval Engagement Plan af Battaillen uti Svensksund den 24 Augusti 1789, emillan Kongl. Svenska Arméens Flotta under Ofver Amiralen och Commendeuren Grefve Ehrensvards befal, och den Keyserliga Ryska Skargards Flattan commenderad utaf Prinsen af Nassau Siegen: ritat af G. Wallberg, graverat af I. Gillberg.
Ruotsinsalmi Sound, Baltic Sea, Finland (60°28'00"N 26°58'59"E)
Kotka, Southern Finland, Finland (60°27'00"N 26°59'24"E)
Page revisions
3 November 2024
Current version