Other 18th-/19th-century conflicts
Maps, views and documents from 19 wars
Map of the siege of Corfu, 1716 (Kérkyra, Ionian Islands, Greece) 39°37ʹ12ʺN 19°55ʹ11ʺE
1716 or laterEtching and engraving; printed on paper | Scale: 1:11,700 approx. | RCIN 727005
The map shows in detail the Ottoman trenches, batteries and camps and the fortifications of the city of Corfu and the lines of fire between the Imperial and Turkish batteries. The small island ‘Conellonisi’ (Vrachonisís Nafsiká 39°38ʹ42ʺN 19°54ʹ39ʺE) is shown together with the whole of the island of Vido (Nísída Vido 39°38ʹ32ʺN 19°55ʹ31ʺE), on the western end of which is marked the position of the Turkish battery.
Dedication: [right, below Italian title:] Dedicato al Merito Sublime di S. Ecc.za il Sig. Antonio / Loredano Cavalier, Proueditor Generale, et Inqui= / sitor delle Isole di Leuante per la Serenissima / Republica di Venetzia / da Gierolamo Albrizzi Libraro in Campo della / Guera à S. Giuliano.
Additional text: [right, below Dutch title, in irregularly-shaped panel, title, followed by a dedication, and key. Title:] Piano della Piazza di Corfu con l’attacco de Turchi / dalli 28 di luglio sino li 22 Agosto 1716 dissegnato / con netta esatezzada I.W.G. Person Quartier Mrō / Generale, e primo Ingegnier della Serenissima / Republica. [Followed by a key, A-I, K-T, V, X-Z and one symbol, to parts of the fortifications, batteries and trenches, etc.]
Condition: one fold line.
Elizabeth Verseyl (d. 1726) (publisher) [below neatline:] t'Amsterdam, by de Weed.e Nicol: Visser met Privil:
JWG Person (active 1716-9) (draughtsman)
Girolamo Albrizzi (active 1690-1716) (publisher)
Antonio Loredano (active 1716) (dedicatee)
Army-Ottoman EmpireArmy-AustriaWatermark: None
Condition: one fold line
Scale: 1:11,700 approx. Scale bar: Passi Veneti, o Mesture di Francio. [149 mm = 1000].
24.7 x 36.1 cm (neatline)
26.1 x 36.1 cm (image)
26.8 x 37.2 cm (platemark)
31.8 x 42.7 cm (sheet)
Printed title:
Plan de la Ville Forte de Corfu, assiegée par les Turcs avec 35000 hom = / mes Le 21 Aoúst 1716 et extremement defendues par le General Schuylenb: // Plan van de Stercke Stad Corfu, belegert door de Turcken, met 35000 Man / den 21 August: 1716 en manhaftig verweert, en afgeslagen, door de Gen:l Schuylenb: [top, above map in two rectangular panels, in French and Dutch]
[right, below Italian title:] Dedicato al Merito Sublime di S. Ecc.za il Sig. Antonio / Loredano Cavalier, Proueditor Generale, et Inqui= / sitor delle Isole di Leuante per la Serenissima / Republica di Venetzia / da Gierolamo Albrizzi Libraro in Campo della / Guera à S. Giuliano.
Additional text:[right, below Dutch title, in irregularly-shaped panel, title, followed by a dedication, and key. Title:] Piano della Piazza di Corfu con l’attacco de Turchi / dalli 28 di luglio sino li 22 Agosto 1716 dissegnato / con netta esatezzada I.W.G. Person Quartier Mrō / Generale, e primo Ingegnier della Serenissima / Republica. [Followed by a key, A-I, K-T, V, X-Z and one symbol, to parts of the fortifications, batteries and trenches, etc.]
George III heading: Corfu 28 July - 22 August 1716.
Other annotations: (Recto) none. (Verso) [bottom right, black pencil:] 3; [bottom right, ink, over black pencil:] ½ A; [right, centre, red pencil:] 33.
George III catalogue entry:
Corfu Plan de la Ville de Corfu assiegée par les Turcs le 21 Aoust 1716 et defendue par le General Schuylenbourg: par I.W.G. Person Ing.r et G. Albrizzi, chez Visscher.
Kérkyra, Ionian Islands, Greece (39°37ʹ12ʺN 19°55ʹ11ʺE)
Page revisions
3 November 2024
Current version