Other 18th-/19th-century conflicts
Maps, views and documents from 19 wars
Naval battle near Hogland Island, 1788 (Gulf of Finland, Leningrad, Russia) 60°03'14"N 26°59'06"E
c.1788Etching and engraving; printed on paper | 42.1 x 65.9 cm (image) | RCIN 734107
The Swedish strategy was to disable the Russian Fleet while Swedish armies planned to attack St Petersburg. Neither side won an outright victory. This print shows, at the top, an overall view of the action, followed by two smaller views of different stages in the battle, below which are two plans illustrating the movements of the ships during the battle. The cipher of Duke Carl of Södermanland (1748-1818; from 1809, Charles XIII, King of Sweden, and from 1814, Charles II, King of Norway) is surmounted by a ducal crown and the whole is surrounded by a sunburst on which is superimposed the collar and badge of the Order of Seraphim. The badge of the order is superimposed on the crossed poles of four flags (one is the Swedish national flag), two to each side. The anchor at the bottom of the device symbolises the Duke's office as Admiral.
Dedication: [bottom, below border, to either side of the dedicatee's monogram:] Dedicerad till Hans Kongeliga Höghet Hertig Carl af Södermanland Svea Rikes Arf Furste och Stor Amiral / Af Dess underdanigste Tienare A: Sjöstierna.
Additional text: [below each of the five images are numerical keys to the principal features of the views and plans.]
Condition: one fold line.
A Sjöstierna (active 1788) (draughtsman) [bottom right, inside neatline:] Rilat af A: Sjöstierna Capitain vid Amiralitetet.
Jacob Gillberg (1724-93) (engraver) [bottom left, below edge of border:] Graverat af J. Gillberg.
Charles XIII, King of Sweden and Norway (1748-1818) (dedicatee)
Navy-RussiaNavy-SwedenWatermark: The letters [A?] R; fleur-de-lys in crowned shield, a ‘4’ below; IV
Condition: one fold line
42.1 x 65.9 cm (image)
43.7 x 68.3 cm (platemark)
46.8 x 70.6 cm (sheet)
Printed title:
Bataille entre la Flotte Suedoise Commandée par Son Altesse Roÿale le Duc de Sudermanie, Grand Amiral du Roÿaume de Suede, et la flotte Russe Sous les Ordres de l’Amiral Greig a la hauteur de l’Isle de Hogland entre les Bancs de Nannis et Ekholmen dans le Golfe de Finland, le 17 Julij 1788. // [Below first view of the battle, the same title in Swedish:] Bataillen emellan Svenska Flottan Commenderad af Hans Kongeliga Höghet Hertigen af Södermanland Svea Rikes Stor Amiral, och Rijska Flottan Comenderad af Amiral Greig uti Finska viken vid Öen Hogland emellan Nannis grundet och Ekholmen den 17 Julij 1788. [five separate images on one sheet; main title top, outside border]
[bottom, below border, to either side of the dedicatee's monogram:] Dedicerad till Hans Kongeliga Höghet Hertig Carl af Södermanland Svea Rikes Arf Furste och Stor Amiral / Af Dess underdanigste Tienare A: Sjöstierna.
Additional text:[below each of the five images are numerical keys to the principal features of the views and plans.]
George III heading: Naval Engagement 17 July 1788.
Other annotations: none.
George III catalogue entry:
Naval Engagement Deux Plans et trois Vues de la Bataille entre la Flotte Suedoise commandée par le Duc de Sudermanie, et la Flotte Russe sous les ordres de l’Amiral Greig, a la hauteur de l’Isle de Hogland entre les Bancs de Nannis et Ekholmen dans le Golfe de Finland le 17 Juillet 1788: par le Capitaine A. Sjostierna, gravés par I. Gillberg.
Gulf of Finland, Leningrad, Russia (60°03'14"N 26°59'06"E)
Page revisions
3 November 2024
Current version