Other 18th-/19th-century conflicts
Maps, views and documents from 19 wars
Plan of Fort den Haak and Walcheren, 1784 (Fort den Haak, Breezand, Netherlands) 51°35'00"N 03°37'07"E; (Walcheren, Netherlands) 51°31'10"N 03°34'47"E
c.1784Pencil, pen, ink and watercolour on paper | Scale: 1:218 approx. | RCIN 734102.2.e
The map is flanked on the left by a small watercolour perspective view of the fort and, on the right, by a small watercolour 'Birds Eye View' with notes.
Five plans of part of the island of Walcheren and the attack on Flushing (Vlissingen). Formerly contained in a rough buff paper folder on which the old heading is written: XIV/102-2-a-e ['a-e' added in later hand] Walcheren, 1784. [Bottom, black pencil, in a modern hand:] Jan '87 [i.e. 1987] CMB.
Condition: no fold lines; trimmed to neatline at left and right edges. Verso: induced discolouration.
Anonymous (cartographer)
Watermark: Strasburg bend and lily, the letters GR below
Mark, stamped: 1044
Condition: no fold lines; trimmed to neatline at left and right edges. Verso: induced discolouration
Scale: 1:218 approx. Scale bar: Scale for the Plan only [89 mm =] 10 Toises.
17.3 x 47.7 cm (neatline)
20.6 x 48.0 cm (image)
22.0 x 48.0 cm (sheet)
Manuscript title:
N:o 6 Walcheren. Fort de Haak. [top left, outside border]
George III heading: Walcheren, 1784.
Other annotations: none.
George III catalogue entry:
Walcheren Five drawn Plans of Fortifications in the Island of Walcheren, relative to a proposed Attack of Flushing, 1784.
Fort den Haak, Breezand, Netherlands (51°35'00"N 03°37'07"E)
Walcheren, Netherlands (51°31'10"N 03°34'47"E)
Page revisions
23 May 2024
Current version