Ottoman-Habsburg Wars (1521-1791)
Images from eight wars fought between 1570 and 1718
View of the siege of Nové Zámky, 1685 (Nové Zámky, [Neuhäusel], Nitriansky, Slovakia) 47°59ʹ07ʺN 18°09ʹ43ʺE
published 1685Etching; printed on paper; no gilt edges | 43.6 x 68.9 cm (image) | RCIN 724032
‘When in July 1685 the march of the Imperial army against Neuhausel was pronounced, the Turks, well informed, hastened their preparations to recover Gran. Lorraine had hoped, by pressing hard the garrison of Neuhausel, to return to the true line of operations before the enemy could work much damage. But the Turks fought well at Neuhausel as they had fought the preceding year at Ofen. The siege, which was commenced the 16th July, was prolonged without result to the 6th August. On that date, the cries of the hard-pressed garrison of Gran forced Lorraine to march with the bulk of his army to relieve that place, whilst, with the remainder, Count Caprara should continue the operations against Neuhausel. A double triumph followed. On the 16th August Lorraine attacked and completely defeated the Turkish army besieging Gran; Eugene, whose regiment was in the second line, again so distinguishing himself as to be mentioned. Three days later Caprara took Neuhausel by storm.’ (Malleson, 2010, pp.17-8).
The copperplate from which this image has been printed appears to have been used formerly for a different print. Traces of the earlier image can be seen where it has been imperfectly erased.
For further reading, see:
G.B. Malleson, Prince Eugene of Savoy, London, 1888; Cambridge, 2010 (reprint), pp.17-8.
Condition: one fold line; remains of Mount Type B on left half of image.
Arnold van Westerhout (1651-1725) (draughtsman, engraver, printer, print seller and publisher) [top left, following on from title, in title cartouche:] Arnoldo Van Westerhout fiamengo Delin.o Intaglio / e, Stampo in Roma; e dal medesimo si uendono alla / Salita di S. Gioseppe a Capo le Casa anno 1685 / Con Licenza de’ Superiori
Watermark: Pascal lamb in double circle, the letter V above
Condition: one fold line; remains of Mount Type B on left half of image
43.2 x 68.2 cm (neatline)
43.6 x 68.9 cm (image)
2-4 mm of cropped mount project from the bottom left, left and top left edges (mount)
43.9 x 69.0 cm (sheet)
Printed title:
NAIHAISEL [top centre, in banner]
Printed title:
Delineatione / della Battaglia campale segui / ta li 17 Agosto 1685. tra l’ / Essercito dell’ Imperadore / commandato dal Sereniss. / Duca di Lorena e Turchesco / sotto il commando del Seraschier / con la rotta e’ fuga dell’ Armata / Ottomana. Come anche’ dell Asse, / dio della forte Piazza di NAI / HAISEL principiato li 14. / Luglio del sud.o anno sotto / il commando del med’.o Serenisso / di Lorena e della sua espug / natione per assalto sotto la condotta del Maresciallo Ca,, / prara li 19 Agosto 1685 [top left, in scroll]
George III heading: Neuhausel 14 July – 19 August 1685.
Other annotations: none.
George III catalogue entry:
Neuhausel Delineatione della Battaglia seguita li 17 Agosto 1685 tra l’Essercito dell’ Imperadore commandata dal Duca di Lorena, e Turchesco commandato dal Seraschier come anche dell’ Assedio della Piazza di Naihaisel principato li 14 Luglio et espugnata per assalto dal Maresciallo Caprara li 19 Agosto 1685: da Arnoldo van Westerhout.
Nové Zámky, [Neuhäusel], Nitriansky, Slovakia (47°59ʹ07ʺN 18°09ʹ43ʺE)
Bibliographic reference(s)
Mark McDonald, The Print Collection of Cassiano dal Pozzo. Part II, Architecture, Topography and Military Maps, 3 vols, London 2019, cat. no. 3268
G.B. Malleson, Prince Eugene of Savoy, London 1888; reprinted Cambridge 2010, pp. 17-8
Page revisions
25 May 2024
Current version