Maps, prints and letterpress text covering the major battles and sieges of the war
View of the Battle of Bílá Hora, Prague and Rakovnik, 1620 (Bílá Hora, near Prague, Czech Republic) 50°04ʹN 14°19ʹE; (Prague, Hlavní Mesto Praha, Czech Republic) 50°05'16"N 14°25'14"E; (Rakovnik [Rakonitz
1620 or laterEngraving and etching; printed on paper; mounted on paper (Mount Type A); gilt edges left, bottom and right | 26.7 x 32.6 cm (image and sheet) | RCIN 721142.a
Four small views of the Battle of Bílá Hora (White Mountain), which was fought on 8 November 1620 between Protestant rebels of Bohemia, commanded by Prince Christian of Anhalt (11 May 1568-17 April 1630) and the Catholic forces of the Holy Roman Empire (commanded by Johan Tserclaes, Count of Tilly (February 1559-30 April 1632), resulting in an Imperial victory. Thirty Years War (1618-1648).
The original print, before it was cut down, had what appears to have been a letterpress title in Gothic lettering: Abriss bey der Keyserischen und Bohmischen Feldlager und darauff erfolgten Blutigen Schlacht und Niederlag der böhmischen Armada im Prager Revier. See: http://www.30letavalka.eu/medirytiny.html?lang=en#ryt-28 (last accessed 25 Jan 2016).
Explanatory text, in Italian, is at RCIN 721142.b.
Anonymous (cartographer)
Army-BohemiaArmy-BavarianWatermark: Indistinct device in shield, the letters I and WA to either side
Condition: one fold line to mount and print
26.7 x 32.6 cm (image and sheet)
cropped (platemark)
39.7 x 54.9 cm (mount)
12.5 x 16.0 cm (neatline figure A)
12.5 x 16.1 cm (neatline figure B)
12.3 x 16.0 cm (neatline figure C)
12.3 x 15.9 cm (neatline figure D)
Printed title:
No overall title. [Four views of the Battle of Bílá Hora, 8th November 1620.]
Additional text:
[The captions to each of the four views, which are engraved below the neatline of each view, are given in alphabetical order:]
Alhie in A. ist eigentlich zusehen, wie beÿde Lägern vor der Statt Rackonik gegen einander / gelegen, auch was sich alda begeben, und zugetragen.
In dise [sic] Figur B. ist zusehen, wie die Kaÿ: der Böhemischen Armada biss vor der Stern oder Thiergarten / starck nachgesetzt, und wie die Cassacken anfangs mitt ihnen Scharmutziert haben.
Diese Figur C. weiset an, das Haupt: oder General treffen auff und umb den Weissenberg dar auff die / Bömisch Königliche Armada mitt gross Verluss, gantz Zertrent, und in die Flucht geschlagen worden.
Figur mit D.weiset an, wie Ihr Hoch Furstl: Durchl: in Baijern, nach erhaltener Victori, sich naher PRAG begeben, und wie / sie alda in Namen Keiserl: May: von den klein Seittner Burgerschafft in unterthänigkait sein auffgenommen worden.
George III heading: Prague Nov.r 1620.
Other annotations: (Recto) [bottom right, black pencil:] 1620. (Verso) none.
George III catalogue entry:
Prague Disegno della Battaglia, overo Giornatta, fatta ultimamente vicino a la Citta di Praga in nome del Imperatore sotto la condotta del Duca di Baviera, contra l’Essercito delli Bohemi adi 9 di Novembre 1620. (four views on one sheet; with a Description)
Bílá Hora, near Prague, Czech Republic (50°04ʹN 14°19ʹE)
Prague, Hlavní Mesto Praha, Czech Republic (50°05'16"N 14°25'14"E)
Rakovnik [Rakonitz], Central Bohemia, Czech Republic (50°06ʹ13ʺN 13°44ʹ00ʺE)
Bibliographic reference(s)
M. McDonald, The Print Collection of Cassiano dal Pozzo. Part II, Architecture, Topography and Military Maps, 3 vols, London 2019, cat. no. 2831
Page revisions
3 November 2024
Current version