Maps, prints and letterpress text covering the major battles and sieges of the war
A view of the Battle of Freiburg and the siege of Philippsburg, 1644. Thirty Years War (1618-1648).
Printed from four copperplates on four sheets of paper, joined to form two prints (RCINs 723051.a and b), each of two sheets pasted together. The accompanying letterpress text is at RCINs 723051.c-k. The whole was designed to be mounted so that RCIN 723051.b, depicting the siege of Philipsburg, was pasted above RCIN 723051.a which shows the Battle of Freiburg. The pieces of text, RCINs 723051.c-f, which describe the Battle of Freiburg, were joined together to form a column and then pasted along the left edge of the whole print while text pieces RCINs 723051.g-k, which give an account of the siege of Philippsburg, were similarly pasted together to make a column and then attached to the right edge of the print.
Page revisions
14 March 2024
Current version