Maps, prints and letterpress text covering the major battles and sieges of the war
Map of the siege of Gravelines, 1644 (Gravelines, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France) 50°59ʹ11ʺN 20°07ʹ41ʺE
published 1644Etching and engraving; printed on paper; letterpress text on separate sheet of paper, pasted to bottom of map; the whole laid down on paper then mounted on paper (Mount Type B) | Scale: 1:72,000 approx. | RCIN 723049
A map of the Spanish-held town of Gravelines, besieged from 16 May to 29 July by the French, commanded by Gaston, Duc d’Orléans (25 April 1608-2 February 1660) resulting in the capitulation of the town on 29 July 1644. Thirty Years War (1618-1648). Oriented with north-north-west to top (cardinal points).
This is a German version of an earlier state of RCIN 723048 q.v. The key runs only from 1-17, a blank space beng left thereafter. It covers the events up to 30th May and lacks the extension of topographical detail which is present on the bottom plate of RCIN 723048. See the Bibliothèque nationale de France département des Cartes et plans, GE D-15386 . The accompanying letterpress text to RCIN 723049 appears to be a German translation of the text which appeared on de Bussey’s map of the siege (see RCIN 723047) but only takes the narrative down to the 13 July 1644.
The geographical coverage of RCIN 723049 extends from Calais 50°57ʹ07ʺN 01°51ʹ23ʺE) in the north-west to Duynquerqe (Dunkerque 51°01ʹ59ʺN 02°22ʹ35ʺE) in the north-east, and from Ardres (50°51ʹ28ʺN 01°58ʹ54ʺE) in the south-west to Berghen S. Wynox (Bergues, or Sint-Winoksbergen 50°58ʹ08ʺN 02°25ʹ57ʺE) in the south-east.
Gisbert Clemens (active 1630-54) (publisher)
Navy-DutchArmy-FranceNavy-FranceWatermark: Map: horn in crowned shield, a ‘4’ suspending the letters WR. Text: none visible. Backing paper: cross in pear-shaped outline.
Condition: one fold line; text with several holes and small tears which have been repaired by being laid down on paper before being mounted. Verso: remains of mount
Scale: 1:72,000 approx. Scale bar: Scala einer Meilen [58 mm =].
29.7 x 54.8 cm (image and neatline)
cropped (platemark)
46.4 x 44.8 cm (sheet)
Printed title:
Abbildung der überaussfesten Statt unnd / Festung / GRÆVELINGEN / So von Könichlicher Francösische / Armee den 31 May Ao: 1644 belegert / worden. [map: top right, in banner]
Printed title:
Eigentlicher und umbständtlicher bericht von der starcken Statt Greveling deroselben gelegenheit und Belägerung im Jahr 1644. den 31. Maij von den Frantzosen under dem Duc / de Orleans und was an beyt en seiten vorgelauffen ist. [text]
George III heading: Gravelines 26 May – 29 July 1644.
Other annotations: none.
George III catalogue entry:
Gravelines Abbildung der Statt und Festung Grævelingen so von Konichlicher Francosischer Armee den 31 May 1644 belegert worden: bey G. Clemens. [with a Description]
Gravelines, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France (50°59ʹ11ʺN 20°07ʹ41ʺE)
Bibliographic reference(s)
M. McDonald, The Print Collection of Cassiano dal Pozzo. Part II, Architecture, Topography and Military Maps, 3 vols, London 2019, cat. no. 3150
Page revisions
25 May 2024
Current version