Maps, prints and letterpress text covering the major battles and sieges of the war
Siege of Nancy, 1633 (Nancy, Lorraine, France) 48°41ʹ03ʺN 06°11ʹ05ʺE
published 1633Letterpress text on two pieces of paper pasted together; mounted on paper. (Remains of type B mount) | 38.8 x 51.3 cm (image and sheet) | RCIN 722073.b
Accompanying explanatory print to the view of the siege of Nancy at RCIN 722073.a. Thirty Years War (1618-1648).
René Siette (fl.1619-48) (dedicator)
Melchior Tavernier (1594-1665) (publisher) [bottom right:] A PARIS, Chez MELCHIOR TAVERNIER, Graueur & Imprimeur / du Roy pour les Tailles-douces, demeurant en l’Isle du Palais sur le / Quay qui regarde la Megisserie, au coin de la ruë de Harlay, / à la Rose rouge. 1633. / AVEC PERMISSION.
Army-FranceWatermark: Bunch of grapes; countermark: a cartouche, the letters F [lozenge] A within
Condition: one fold line. Verso: remains of mount (probably Type B); small brown stains; pressure marks from the mounts of items which were kept above and below this map in a different collection are present on the recto and verso
38.8 x 51.3 cm (image and sheet)
Printed title:
[No title; text begins with a dedication to the king by ‘R. DESIETTE’:] AV ROY [and continues with:] RECIT DV SIEGE DE NANCY followed by:] DESCRIPTION DV SIEGE DE NANCY, commencé le vingt-septiesme iour d’Aoust, & rendu le vingt-troisiesme iour de / Septembre mil six cents trente-trois. [and:] SONNET, / SVR LA REDVCTION DE LA VILLE DE NANCY.]
George III heading: Nancy 1633.
Other annotations: none.
George III catalogue entry:
Nancy Plan du Siege de Nancy par le Roy Louis XIII commencé le 27 d’Aoust et rendu le 23.e de Sept.re 1633: avec un Recit du Siege: par R. Desiette, chez Tavernier, 1633.
Nancy, Lorraine, France (48°41ʹ03ʺN 06°11ʹ05ʺE)
Bibliographic reference(s)
M. McDonald, The Print Collection of Cassiano dal Pozzo. Part II, Architecture, Topography and Military Maps, 3 vols, London 2019, cat. no. 2946
Page revisions
23 May 2024
Current version