Thirty Years War (1618-48)
Maps, prints and letterpress text covering the major battles and sieges of the war
View of the Battle of Kempen (or St Antoine), 1642 (Kempen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany) 51°21ʹ52ʺN 06°25ʹ07ʺE; (Sankt Tönis [St Antoine], North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany) 51°19ʺ32ʹN 06°29ʺ44ʹE
1642 or laterEngraving and etching; map and order of battle printed from two copperplates on two separate sheets of paper, pasted together; mounted on paper (Remains of type B mount) | 50.7 x 53.3 cm (image and sheet) | RCIN 723010
A high oblique view of the Battle of St Antoine (also known as the Battle of Kempen) fought on 17 January between allied French and Hessian-Kassel troops commanded by Jean-Baptiste Budes, Comte de Guébriant (1602-17 November 1643) and the Imperial army, commanded by Guillaume de Lamboy (c.1590-12 December 1659), resulting in an Allied victory. Thirty Years War (1618-1648). Oriented with south-west to top (compass rose) but actually oriented with north-north-west to top.
Kempen is not shown in this view which extends from Hulst (Hüls 51°22ʹ22ʺN 06°30ʹ38ʺE) in the north, through Crevelt (Krefeld 51°20ʹ21ʺN 06°35ʹ10ʺE) to Fischell (Fischeln 51°18ʹ13ʺN 06°35ʹ18ʺE) in the south.
The initials I (or J).B.P. are not identified in Nägler.
J.B.P. (active 1642) (draughtsman) [top right, following on from date panel:] I.B.P. del:
Army-FranceArmy-AustriaWatermark: Indistinct, three fleur-de-lys
Condition: six fold lines. Verso: remains of [Mount Type B?]
50.7 x 53.3 cm (image and sheet)
cropped (platemark)
37.2 x 53.0 cm (image and sheet of map)
Printed title:
LA BATAILLE DE S. ANTOINE AV PAŸS DE / COLOGNE passeé, entre L’Armee du Roÿ soubs la conduicte / de S. EXCELL: le Conte de GEBRIANT Lieutenant / General de sa dicte MAIESTE: et L’Armeé / Imperiale soubs la conduicte de Mons: de LAMBOI / Genéral de L’Artillerie de S:M: IMPERIALE [top right, in ornamental cartouche]
Printed title:
Le iour de S. Antoine 17. / de Jenuier en l’An. / 1642. [in rectangular panel below title cartouche]
Additional text:
[right, in long cartouche surmounted by the arms of France and Navarre, a key in French, A-I, K-P.]
Verzeichnus des treffens beÿ S. Antonÿ / Zwischen den Kays. und Frantz: / Armen, under Commando deren / Herren Gener. Lamboÿ undt / Gebrian so geschen den 17. Januarÿ / Anno 1642. [bottom, in rectangular panel, the orders of battle of the opposing armies] [with a key in German, A-I, L-P.]
George III heading: Battle of S.t Antony near Kempen 17 Jan.y 1642.
Other annotations: (Recto) none. (Verso) [top, right of centre, black pencil, erased:] St. Ant[ony] Kempen
George III catalogue entry:
Anthony, S.t La Bataille de S.t Antoine, au Pays de Cologne (pres de Kempen) passée entre l’Armée du Roy commandée par le Comte de Guebriant, et l’Armée Imperiale commandée par le General Lamboy, le 17 Janvier 1642; avec un Plan de l’Ordre de Bataille: par I.B.P.
Kempen (North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany) 51°21ʹ52ʺN 06°25ʹ07ʺE;
Sankt Tönis [St Antoine] (North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany) 51°19ʺ32ʹN 06°29ʺ44ʹE
Bibliographic reference(s)
M. McDonald, The Print Collection of Cassiano dal Pozzo. Part II, Architecture, Topography and Military Maps, 3 vols, London 2019, cat. no. 3096
Page revisions
23 May 2024
Current version