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Thirty Years War (1618-48)

Maps, prints and letterpress text covering the major battles and sieges of the war


View of the siege of Thionville, 1639 (Thionville, Lorraine, France) 49°22ʹ00ʺN 06°10ʹ00ʺE

published 1639

Etching and engraving; printed on paper; letterpress text printed on a separate piece of paper; view and text mounted on paper (Mount Type B); gilt edges top and right | 23.0 x 30.1 cm (image and sheet of map) | RCIN 722138

A high oblique view of the relief on 6-7 June by Spanish and Imperial troops, commanded by Ottavio Piccolomini (11 November 1599-11 August 1656) of the French siege of Thionville, commanded by Isaac Manasses de Pas, Marquis de Feuquieres (1 June 1590-13 March 1640), resulting in the lifting of the siege by the French. Thirty Years War (1618-1648). Oriented with west to top (cardinal points).

This print shows the fortified town of Thionville (here noted by its German name, Dienhoffen (Diedenhofen) set in a wide arc of countryside which runs from Brij (Briey 49°15ʹ00ʺN 05°56ʹ00ʺE) in the west (top), through Fontoy (49°21ʹ22ʺN& 05°59ʹ58ʺE), Sentzig (Sancy 49°20ʹ52ʺN 05°55ʹ32ʺE), Volckringen (Volkrange 49°21ʹ24ʺN 06°05ʹ28ʺE), Œtingen (Ottange 49°26ʹ31ʺN 06°01ʹ02ʺE), Hettingen (Hettange-Grande 49°24ʹ23ʺN 06°09ʹ02ʺE), Kettenhoffen (Cattenom 49°24ʹ27ʺN 06°14ʹ39ʺE) to Bertringen (Bertrange 49°18ʹ28ʺN 06°10ʹ44ʺE) to the east on the right bank of the River Moselle.

The sub-title of the text explains that everything from the neighbourhood of Luxembourg to Thionville is shown – market towns, villages, castles, passes, woods, water bodies, etc so that everything relevant to the battle is shown in this print.

  • Anonymous (printmaker) [along bottom of text:] In der Newen gassen bey der Montaner Burschen/ im Jahr 1639.


  • Watermark: Map: a gothic style letter P. Text: a gothic style letter P? Mount: none.

    Condition: brown discolouration to map and text; some foxing. Pressure marks on verso

  • 23.0 x 30.1 cm (image and sheet of map)

    cropped (platemark)

    24.8 x 33.6 cm (text sheet)

    52.3 x 40.2 cm (mount)

  • Printed title:

    Eigentlicher abriß der Königliche Festung Diedenhoffen, sampt dem blütigem Treffen dar fur, in welchem Ihr Excell: Herr General Piccolomini ein herliche / Victori erhalten, den 7. Iunij. 1639. [across top of print]

    Printed title:

    Eigentliche Relation deß Ernschafften Anfals und Scharmützels/ / Gethan Durch / Dero Römischen Kayserl. Mayest. General Feld Marschalcken Herrn / Graffen von Piccolomini auff die Frantzösische Wercke und Fortificationes deß Königlichen Ficquierischen Lagers vor der Ve- / stung Diedenhoffen/ Sampt deß darauff am 7. Tag Junij 1639. von 8. Uhr deß Morgens / biß Nachmittag umb 7. gehaltenen blütigen Haupt=Treffen/ / Und endlich erhaltener glücklicher Victori mit gantzlicher Niederlag der Französischen Armada unterm Commando deß General Ficquieres/ [letterpress text]


    [top right, in rectangular panel:] dies ist ein Geometrischer abriß der Festung diedenhoffen Size: 6.7 x 11.6 cm (image).

    Additional text:

    [top left, in rectangular panel, a key, 1-13, to buildings in the fortification:] Erklerung der Ziefer


    George III heading: Battle of Thionville 7 June 1639.

    Other annotations: (Recto) [top right, black pencil:] 1639; [right edge, black pencil, erased and partly legible:] Picolomini [?]. (Verso) none.

    George III catalogue entry:

    Thionville Eigentlicher Abriss der Konigliche Festung Diedenhoffen (Thionville) sampt dem blutigem Treffen dar fur in welchem Ihr Excell. Herr. General Piccolomini ein herliche Victori erhalten den 7 Juny 1639.

  • Subject(s)

    Thionville, Lorraine, France (49°22ʹ00ʺN 06°10ʹ00ʺE)

  • Bibliographic reference(s)

    M. McDonald, The Print Collection of Cassiano dal Pozzo. Part II, Architecture, Topography and Military Maps, 3 vols, London 2019, cat. no. 3039, 3040

Page revisions

  • 25 May 2024