War of the Polish Succession (1733-8)
The Rhine and Moselle rivers and parts of Italy

On the death in 1733 of Augustus II of Poland (known as August the Strong, 1670–1733) there were two principal claimants to the throne. First, his son, Augustus III of Saxony (1696–1763), supported by Austria and Russia. Second, Stanisław Leszczyński (1677–1766), the father-in-law of Louis XV (supported by France, Spain and Sardinia). The ensuing war was fought in Poland, along the Rhine and in Italy. The war was ended in 1738 by the Treaty of Vienna. Stanisław, who had seized the throne in 1733, relinquished it and was made Duke of Lorraine while retaining the title King of Poland, and Augustus was recognised as Augustus III of Poland.
The manuscript and printed maps in this section include several accomplished surveys and maps of the lands to either side of long stretches of the Rhine and other rivers, as well as parts of Italy.