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Franco-Spanish War (1635-59)

Contemporary maps and prints of the major battles and sieges from 1635 to 1658

CESARE BASSANO (1583-1648)

View of the siege of Turin, 1640 (Turin, Piedmont, Italy) 45°04'13"N 07°41'12"E


Engraving; printed on paper; mounted on paper (mount cropped, Mount Type B) | 41.8 x 54.0 cm (sheet) | RCIN 722150.a

A high oblique view/map of Turin, defended by the Spanish under Diego Felipez de Guzmán, Marquis of Leganés (1580-1655) and Thomas Francis, Prince of Carignano (21 December 1596-22 January 1656) and besieged from 22 May to 20 September by a French-Piedmontese army, commanded by Henri de Lorraine, Count of Harcourt (20 March 1601-25 July 1666), supported by Henri de la Tour d'Auvergne, Vicomte de Turenne (11 September 1611-27 July 1675) resulting in the capitulation of the city on 20 September 1640. Franco-Spanish War (1635-1659). Oriented with north-west to top.

The key to the view, together with an account of the events, is printed in the accompanying letterpress text (RCIN 722150.b).

This print shows the disposition of the French and Spanish forces in what was an unusual triple siege. In the first place, the Spanish were laying siege to the French who retreated to the citadel; secondly, the lines of circumvallation and contravallation which were constructed by the French who had come to relieve the siege of the citadel, and, thirdly, the outer besieging forces of the Spanish who had arrived to try to lift the French siege.

  • Cesare Bassano (1583-1648) (etcher) [bottom right of view:] Cesare / Bassani / F. 

    After Francesco Prestino (fl. c.1635-43) (draughtsman) [bottom left of view:] Il Capitano Francesco / Prestino delineo

    Giovanni Battista Malatesta (active 1635-50) (publisher) [bottom centre of accompanying text (RCIN 722150.b):] IN MILANO, Per Gio. Battista Malatesta, Stampatore Regio Camerale. Con licenza de Superiori, & Priuilegio.


  • Watermark: None visible

    Condition: one fold line

  • 41.8 x 54.0 cm (sheet)

  • Printed title:

    DISEGNO DELL’ ASSEDIO DI TORINO / DEL CAPITAN FRANCESO PRESTINO. [No title. Title on accompanying letterpress text (RCIN 722150.b)]


    None visible

    George III catalogue entry:

    Turin Disegno dell’Assedio di Torino 1640, dal Capitan Francesco Prestino, intagliata da Cesare Bassani. [with a Description, 1640.]

  • Subject(s)

    Turin, Piedmont, Italy (45°04'13"N 07°41'12"E)

  • Bibliographic reference(s)

    M. McDonald, The Print Collection of Cassiano dal Pozzo. Part II, Architecture, Topography and Military Maps, 3 vols, London 2019, cat. no. 3067

Page revisions

  • 25 May 2024

    New photography