French Revolutionary Wars (1792-1802)
Maps and prints of naval engagements collected by George III during the decade of war
Cape St Vincent, 1797 (Cabo de São Vicente, Portugal) 37°01'21"N 08°59'25"W
published 20 Jun 1797Aquatint with etching and engraving; printed on paper; laid down on paper, the paper backing brought round the edges of the recto | 47.6 x 69.4 cm (image) | RCIN 735049.a
In the aftermath of the battle, Jervis was made Baron Jervis of Meaford and Earl St Vincent, and Nelson was knighted as a member of the Order of the Bath.
Additional text: [bottom centre, below title:] The point of Time here represented is about half past eleven o Clock in the Morning, the Weather hazy, and the Van of the British Fleet under a press of Sail, and forming in a double Line cutting their Way through that of the Enemy and thereby seperating Five Sail of the Line and three Frigates from their Main Body, which led to their Total Defeat - N.B. the British Fleet consisted of 15 Ships of the Line with 4 Frigates, the Spanish Fleet was 27 of the Line with 10 Frigates.
Condition: no fold lines.
Robert Dodd (1748-1815) (artist, engraver and publisher) [bottom right, below edge of view:] Painted and Engraved by R. Dodd; bottom centre, below title and text:] London published by R. Dodd N.o 22 Lisson Green, 20.th June 1797; [bottom right, aquatinted in view, initials:] RD.
Royal NavyNavy-SpainHoratio Nelson (1758-1805)John Jervis, 1st Viscount St Vincent (1735-1823)Watermark: None visible
Condition: no fold lines
43.5 x 69.4 cm (neatline)
47.6 x 69.4 cm (image)
50.0 x 74.6 cm (platemark)
50.8 x 75.7 cm (sheet)
Printed title:
View 1st of the Victory obtained by the BRITISH FLEET, Commanded by ADMIRAL SIR JOHN JERVIS KB: over the grand FLEET OF SPAIN off Cape S.t Vincents on the 14.th of February, 1797. / most respectfully Inscribed to the Commander in Chief, the Admirals, and the several Captains of the Fleet By their Obedient humble Servant / Rob.t Dodd. [bottom centre, below view]
Additional text:
[bottom centre, below title:] The point of Time here represented is about half past eleven o Clock in the Morning, the Weather hazy, and the Van of the British Fleet under a press of Sail, and forming in a double Line cutting their Way through that of the Enemy and thereby seperating Five Sail of the Line and three Frigates from their Main Body, which led to their Total Defeat - N.B. the British Fleet consisted of 15 Ships of the Line with 4 Frigates, the Spanish Fleet was 27 of the Line with 10 Frigates.
George III heading [black pencil:] Military Naval Engagement 14 Feb 1797 Port folio No 5.
Other annotations: (Recto) none. (Verso) [bottom left, black pencil, obscured by paper backing: the old heading; bottom left, black pencil:] 122.n; [top left, black pencil:] 16; [top right, black pencil:] 13; [centre, black pencil, obscured by paper backing:] 16.
George III catalogue entry:
Naval Engagement Two Views of the Victory obtained by the British Fleet commanded by Admiral Sir John Jervis, over the Grand Fleet of Spain off Cape S.t Vincent, on the 14.th of February 1797: by R. Dodd, 1797.
Cabo de São Vicente, Portugal (37°01'21"N 08°59'25"W)
Page revisions
25 May 2024
Current version