French Revolutionary Wars (1792-1802)
Maps and prints of naval engagements collected by George III during the decade of war
Cape St Vincent, 1797 (Cabo de São Vicente, Portugal) 37°01'21"N 08°59'25"W
published 2 Jun 1800Stipple with etching and engraving; printed on paper; laid down on paper with the paper backing brought round the edges of the recto | 48.7 x 58.0 cm (image) | RCIN 735051.a
The view shows Nelson receiving the Spanish Admiral's sword from the captain of the San José, Don Tomas Delknnena who points backwards at the fallen Spanish Admiral, Don Francisco Zavier Winthuysen, behind whom, kneeling and praying is the Spanish first Lieutenant Zinaco Fone. The Spanish priest, O'Brien, points with his right hand to a Spanish sailor who in turn is looking up at a British bargeman called Ramsay.
To Nelson's left, Captain (then a Commander) Berry, who was the first to board the Spanish ship, points his sword at the flag of the vanquished Spanish fleet. To Nelson's right, Lieutenant Pearson of the 69th Regiment is informing Nelson of the Spanish surrender; behind Peasron, to his left, is Captain Noble and to his right is Lieutenant Withers.
The lettering of the title is very faintly engraved and this view may be a proof impression. A printed key (RCIN 735051.b) is pasted to the left of this view.
Condition: no fold lines.
Daniel Orme (1766-1837) (engraver and publisher) [bottom right, below edge of view:] Engraved by Danl Orme Historical Engraver to his Majesty & the Prince of Wales.
Edward Orme (1775-1848) (printer and publisher) [bottom left, below edge of view:] Printed by Mr Orme under the Direction of Lord Nelson & the Officers of his Majestys Ship the Captain; [bottom centre, below title:] Published & Sold June 2 1800 by Danl Orme at his Gallery No 118 New Bond Street and Sold by Edwd Orme Printseller to the King No 59 New Bond Street.
Royal NavyNavy-SpainSan Josef (ship)John Jervis, 1st Viscount St Vincent (1735-1823)Horatio Nelson (1758-1805)Watermark: None visible
Condition: no fold lines
43.1 x 58.0 cm (neatline)
48.7 x 58.0 cm (image)
50.7 x 61.2 cm (platemark)
51.8 x 62.2 cm (sheet)
Printed title:
To His Majesty / This Historical Engraving of that unprecedented event in LORD S.T VINCENTS VICTORY of ADMIRAL NELSONS boarding the TWO SPANISH SHIPS / And the Reception of the SPANISH ADMIRALS SWORD on board the SAN JOSEF on the 14th of February 1797 / Is most Humbly Dedicated by His Majestys Dutiful Subject & Engraver / Danl Orme. [bottom centre, below view]
George III heading: Military Naval Engagement 14 Feb 1797 Port folio No 5.
Other annotations: (Recto) none. (Verso) [bottom left, black pencil, obscured by paper backing: the old heading; bottom left, black pencil:] 122.d.; [top left, black pencil:] 13; [top right, black pencil:] 12; [centre, black pencil, obscured by paper backing:] 13.
George III catalogue entry:
Naval Engagement Admiral Nelson boarding the two Spanish Ships and receiving the Spanish Admiral's Sword on board the San Josef, on the 14.th of Feb.y 1797: by D. Orme, 1800: with an Index Plate and a Description.
Cabo de São Vicente, Portugal (37°01'21"N 08°59'25"W)
Bibliographic reference(s)
H. Parker, Naval battles from the collection of prints formed and owned by Commander Sir Charles Leopold Cust. With an introduction by C.N. Robinson, London 1911, no.122.d
Page revisions
25 May 2024
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