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French Revolutionary Wars (1792-1802)

Maps and prints of naval engagements collected by George III during the decade of war


Egypt, 1801

A Plan of the Operations of the BRITISH FORCES in EGYPT from the LANDING in ABOUKIR BAY on the of March to the BATTLE of ALEXANDRIA March inclusive

published 28 May 1801

Engraving and etching; printed on paper; hand coloured | Scale: 1:71,845 approx. | RCIN 735088.1

A map of the operations of the British forces at Aboukir Bay and Alexandria between 8 and 21 March 1801. French Revolutionary Wars (1792-1802). Oriented with north-west to top (cardinal points).

This map was clearly compiled quickly in order to have been published within about six weeks of the action, and before the inundation of Lake Mareotis - here annotated 'almost dry' - by the British during March, was known about.

Additional text: [bottom left:] ORDER of BATTLE of the BRITISH ARMY, / Lieut. Gen.l Sir Ralph Abercromby K: B: / Maj. Gen. Hutchinson. [Bottom right:] ORDER of BATTLE of the FRENCH ARMY, / Abdallah Menou / Commander in Chief. [Bottom centre, between the orders of battle, keys, 1-9 and A-E, to the positions of the British and French armies during the operations:] REFERENCE.

Condition: no fold lines. Verso: red ink marks.
  • William Faden (1 July 1749-21 March 1836) (publisher) [bottom centre, below border:] Published by W. Faden, Geographer to His Majesty, & to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, Charing Cross, May 1801.

  • Watermark: None

    Condition: no fold lines. Verso: red ink marks

  • Scale: 1:71,845 approx. Scale bar: Scale of Miles [112 mm =] 5.

    21.7 x 37.0 cm (image)

    22.9 x 41.8 cm (platemark)

    20.1 x 36.7 cm (neatline)

    28.5 x 45.8 cm (sheet) (whole object)

  • Printed title:

    A Plan of the Operations of the BRITISH FORCES in EGYPT from the LANDING in ABOUKIR BAY on the of March to the BATTLE of ALEXANDRIA March inclusive. [top, across top of map, outside border]

    Additional text:

    [bottom left:] ORDER of BATTLE of the BRITISH ARMY, / Lieut. Gen.l Sir Ralph Abercromby K: B: / Maj. Gen. Hutchinson. [Bottom right:] ORDER of BATTLE of the FRENCH ARMY, / Abdallah Menou / Commander in Chief. [Bottom centre, between the orders of battle, keys, 1-9 and A-E, to the positions of the British and French armies during the operations:] REFERENCE.


    George III heading: Egypt 8-21 March 1801.

    Other annotations: (Recto) [top left, black pencil, erased:] [XXII]/55. (Verso) none.

    George III catalogue entry:

    Egypt A Plan of the Operations of the British Forces in Egypt from the landing in Aboukir Bay on the of March to the Battle of Alexandria, March inclusive: published by Faden, 1801.

Page revisions

  • 14 March 2024