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French Revolutionary Wars (1792-1802)

Maps and prints of naval engagements collected by George III during the decade of war


Malta, 1800

published 1 Mar 1805

Aquatint with etching and engraving; printed on paper; laid down on paper, the paper backing brought round the edges of the recto | 45.7 x 61.9 cm (image) | RCIN 735083.2.a

A view of the disabled French ship Guillaume Tell, 30 March 1800. French Revolutionary Wars (1792-1802).

The view shows, in the left foreground, the damaged ship Guillaume Tell with, in the right foreground, the HMS Penelope, followed by the other British ships Stromboli, with the Lion and Foudroyant in the background.

The lettering of the text is very faintly engraved, suggesting that this may be a proof impression.

Condition: no fold lines.
  • Nicholas Pocock (1740-1821) (artist, etcher and publisher) [bottom left, below edge of view:] Drawn and Etched by N. Pocock; [bottom centre, below edge of view:] London. Published March, 1805, by Nich.s Pocock, Great George Street Westminster.

    John Wells (active 1784-1809) (engraver) [bottom right, below edge of view:] Engraved by J. Wells / Drawing Master to Christ's Hospital.


    Guillaume Tell [French 84 Gun Ship]
    Penelope (ship)
    Royal Navy
  • Watermark: None visible

    Condition: no fold lines

  • 41.2 x 61.9 cm (neatline)

    45.7 x 61.9 cm (image)

    47.7 x 65.2 cm (platemark)

    50.0 x 67.5 cm (sheet)

  • Printed title:

    The Disabled situation of the Guillaume Tell of 84 Guns, bearing the Flag of Vice Admiral Decres, as she appeared / at Daylight on the 30,,th March, 1800; after having been Engaged by His Majesty's Ship Penelope, commanded by the Hon,,ble Henry / Blackwood; the Stromboli Brig, Lion & Foudroyant coming up, by the two latter of which Ships She was afterwards engaged. [bottom, below view]


    George III heading [black pencil:] XV-83-2 [no heading in words].

    Other annotations: (Recto) none. (Verso) [bottom left:] 151; [bottom right, black pencil, obscured by paper backing:] 16f.

    George III catalogue entry:

    Naval Engagement The disabled situation of the Guillaume Tell of 84 Guns bearing the flag of Vice Admiral Decres as she appeared at day light on the of March 1800, after having been engaged by H.M. Ship Penelope commanded by the Hon.ble Henry Blackwood, the Stromboli Brig, Lion and Foudroyant coming up, by the latter of which Ships she was afterwards engaged: by N. Pocock, engraved by Wells, 1805.

  • Bibliographic reference(s)

    H. Parker, Naval battles from the collection of prints formed and owned by Commander Sir Charles Leopold Cust,  With an introduction by C.N. Robinson, London, 1911, no.151.a

Page revisions

  • 8 June 2024