Maps, views and diagrams of military reviews and encampments
Compiegne, 1766 (Compiegne, Picardie, France) 49°25'04"N 02°49'33"E
1766 or laterRed leather full binding with one map and twenty-eight unnumbered pages of text and diagrams; four blank pages at the beginning; twenty-five blank pages at the end; versos of text and diagrams mainly blank. Pencil, ink and watercolour on paper. | 29.5 x 24.2 cm (book measurement) | RCIN 733071.2
The attribution to William Roy is made on stylistic grounds. There is, however, no evidence to suggest that he had attended this review. It is possible that he had made this copy from other materials for his own use and that it was later presented, together with other materials from his collection, either before, or after his death in 1790, to George III. The late entry in the old catalogue indicates that this item, together with RCIN 733071.3, were included in the collection at a late stage in the cataloguing process, if not after it was originally completed. It can be seen that the figure ‘-1’ was added to the original place mark XIII.71, and the entries for 71-2, and 71-3 were written on the facing page instead of being included in the main sequence.
Red leather full binding; spine with four ridges and gold lettering on spine: FRENCH MANOEUVRES CAMP AT COMPIEGNE 1766; each word is surrounded by tooled designs of wavy lines and solid and broken lines in gold; edges to upper and lower boards decorated in gold tooling with a filigree design incorporating fleur-de-lys [or Prince of Wales feathers], acorns, thistles and other flower and leaf motifs. Marbled end papers; gilt edges to folios. Pencil, ink and watercolour on paper. One map and twenty-eight unnumbered pages of text and diagrams; four blank pages at the beginning; twenty-five blank pages at the end; versos of text and diagrams mainly blank.
[1] Map: Title: PLAN of the ENVIRONS of COMPIEGNE / Shewing the Situation of the Swiss Camp and that of the Garison [sic] of Metz Reviewed by the King in Augst: 1766. Scale: 1:33,895 approx. Scale bar: SCALE of 2000. Toises. [115 mm =].
Materials: pencil, ink and watercolour on paper.
Watermark: cropped: shield with diagonal stripes, the letters L V G below.
Size: 20.4 x 38.5 cm (neatline); 22.8 x 39.0 cm (image).
[3] ff.2-14. Text and six diagrams: MANOEUVRES / Performed by a SWISS BRIGADEof Foot, of Six / Battalions, in the Service of France, reviewed by the King Augt. 12th. 1766. / at LaCroix St: Ouen near Compiegne.
[4] ff.15-27. text and six diagrams: MANOEUVRES / Performed by the GARISON [sic] OF METZconsisting of 16 Batns. / Reviewed by the King, at the Camp of Campiegne / The 19th: Augt: 1766.
? William Roy (1726-90) (draughtsman and author)
Army-FranceArmy-SwitzerlandGeorge III, King of the United Kingdom (1738-1820)Watermark: Cropped: [shield with diagonal stripe] the letters L V G below; fleur-de-lys
29.5 x 24.2 cm (book measurement)
FRENCH MANOEUVRES CAMP AT COMPIEGNE 1766. [on spine of volume]
George III heading [top left, verso of front fly leaf, black pencil:] Military. Compiegne 1766.
Other annotations: [top left, black pencil over erased and partly illegible former press mark, ?5 f 3:] 6 K 3; [bottom left, black pencil:] Room 1 I.B.2a.
K. Mil. dummy sheet:
TItle [ink:] Manœuvres performed by a Swiss Brigade of Foot, and by the Garrison of Metz: / reviewed by the King at Compiegne in August 1766. MS. / One Volume Quarto ... [black pencil:] 5 J 3 / [George III heading in red ink:] Compiegne, August 1766 [black pencil, in a modern hand:] VOL I 1B 1 D.
Watermark: Ruse & Turners 1815.
Size: 47.2 x 32.9 cm (sheet).George III catalogue entry:
Compiegne Manœuvres performed by a Swiss Brigade of Foot, and by the Garrison of Metz; reviewed by the King at Compiegne in August 1766. MS. 4.to.
Compiegne, Picardie, France (49°25'04"N 02°49'33"E)
Page revisions
23 May 2024
Current version