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Maps, views and diagrams of military reviews and encampments


Hessian army, 1728

dated 11 October 1728

Pen and ink on one sheet of paper; laid down on coarse linen | 64.9 x 98.2 cm (image, neatline and sheet) | RCIN 727025

A tabulation of the strength of the Hessian army as at October 1728.

Twenty regiments are listed; the names of the Marechal de Logis, the Chirugien Major, Tambour Major, and Adjoudant are given for each, together with the numbers of ‘Ministre’, ‘Auditeur’, Hautbois, and ‘Provos et Garcons’ for each. Each regiment is divided into nine or ten companies and for each infantry company the name of the commanding officer is given, together with the numbers of captains (+ valets), subalterns (+ valets), Sergeants and Capitaines d'armes, Fouriers, Chirugiens, Caporaux, Tambres & fiffres, Vieux Soldats, Recrues, with a summary of the numbers of each.

For the dragoon regiments, as well as the names of the Marechal de logis, etc., there is additionally a Wagen Meister and a Timbalier. The ranks are divided into Wacht Maitres, Quartier Maitres, Chirugiens, Caporaux, Tambours, and dragons.

For the cavalry regiments there is in addition a ‘Tromp. Maj:’. The ranks are divided into Wacht Maitres, Quartier Maitres, Chirugiens, Caporaux, Trompettes, and Cavalliers.

Additional text: [left, down left side of table, a list of named officers arranged according to rank, with the dates of the commission of each officer in that rank:] LISTE / des Generaux, et Officiers de L’E= / tat Major des Trouppes de Hesse / avec L’ancienneté de Leur Creation / pour L’Année 1728. [Bottom left, below tabulation:] Liste / de ce qui manque à / L’Infanterie Jusqu’au / 30 Septemb=re 1728. [Bottom right:] Liste / de ce qui manqué á La Cavallerie et / dragons Jusq'au 30 Septemb:re 1728. [Bottom centre:] Somme Totale / Inclusivement Le Petit Etat Major.

Condition: two fold lines; very foxed; surface dirt along left and right edges of recto and verso. Verso: bottom centre, shadow from the removal of Cumberland’s cipher label?
  • Guillaume ? (draughtsman) [bottom right:] Fait à Cassell ce 11me d’Octob:r 1728 / Guillaume [?]


    Army-Germany-Hessen-Cassel-'Baumbach' Regiment (Infantry)
    Army-Germany-Hessen-Cassel-Foot Guards
    Army-Germany-Hessen-Cassel-'Graefendorff' Regiment of Horse
    Army-Germany-Hessen-Cassel-Grenadier Regiment
    Army-Germany-Hessen-Cassel-'Isenburg' Regiment (Infantry)
    Army-Germany-Hessen-Cassel-'Isenburg' Regiment of Horse
    Army-Germany-Hessen-Cassel-'Koenig' Regiment
    Army-Germany-Hessen-Cassel-'Koenig' Regiment of Dragoons
    Army-Germany-Hessen-Cassel-'Leib' Regiment of Horse
    Army-Germany-Hessen-Cassel-'Mansbach' Regiment (Infantry)
    Army-Germany-Hessen-Cassel-'Prinz Friedrich' Regiment (Infantry)
  • Watermark: None visible

    Condition: two fold lines; very foxed; surface dirt along left and right edges of recto and verso. Verso: bottom centre, shadow from the removal of Cumberland’s cipher label

  • 64.9 x 98.2 cm (image, neatline and sheet)

  • Manuscript title:

    ETAT GENERAL / des Trouppes de Hesse, tant de la Cavallerie que des dragons et de L’Infanterie, comme Elles se sont trouvées à La Revue de / L’année 1728.

    Additional text:

    [left, down left side of table, a list of named officers arranged according to rank, with the dates of the commission of each officer in that rank:] LISTE / des Generaux, et Officiers de L’E= / tat Major des Trouppes de Hesse / avec L’ancienneté de Leur Creation / pour L’Année 1728. [Bottom left, below tabulation:] Liste / de ce qui manque à / L’Infanterie Jusqu’au / 30 Septemb=re 1728. [Bottom right:] Liste / de ce qui manqué á La Cavallerie et / dragons Jusq'au 30 Septemb:re 1728. [Bottom centre:] Somme Totale / Inclusivement Le Petit Etat Major.


    George III heading [bottom right, black pencil:] Army 1728. [bottom right, black pencil:] Military VII/25.

    Other annotations: (Recto) none. (Verso) [top right, black pencil:] 172[?8]; [right, centre, red pencil:] 6/32; [right, centre, black pencil:] VII/[?33]; [bottom centre, black pencil:] [?728]; [centre, black pencil:] VII/25 [Military].

    K. Mil, dummy sheet:

    Title [ink:] Etat General des Trouppes de Hesse tant de la Cavallerie que des Dragons et de l'Infanterie, / comme elles se sont trouvées a la Revue de l'Année 1728. par Guillaume [there follows an attempt to replicate the undecipherable signature on the document] .. MS. / A Roll .....[in pencil:] 5 Table 2.d [the George III heading at foot of page, red ink:] State of the Hessian Army in 1728.
    Watermark: fleur-de-lys in crowned shield with scrolled W below [Whatman].
    Size: 47.3 x 32.9 cm (sheet).

    George III catalogue entry:

    Army Etat General des Troupes de Hesse tant de la Cavallerie que des Dragons et de l’Infanterie, comme elles se sont trouvées a la Revue de l’année 1728. MS.

Page revisions

  • 3 November 2024