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Maps, views and diagrams of military reviews and encampments


Map of encampment near Hameln, 1783 (Hameln, Lower Saxony, Germany) 52°06'14"N 09°21'22"E


Pencil, pen, ink and watercolour on paper | Scale: 1:16,000 approx. | RCIN 734098.2.c

A map of an imaginary encampment for 20-30,000 men in the vicinity of Hameln in 1783. Oriented with north to top: 'Norden oben'.

This is not a plan of an actual camp; it shows where, on the right bank of the River Weser, a camp of 20-30,000 men could be placed, and also where, on the left bank, a smaller camp could be accommodated. The description of the map and an explanation to the numbers is given in the explanatory text at RCIN 734098.2.d, which is signed by G.J. du Plat and dated at Hanover in July 1783. The map detail does not extend beyond the boundary of the Duchy of Schaumberg Hessen to the north-west. The camping ground is shown to the east of Hameln, in the neighbourhood of Afferde, with the Hastenbeck woodlands to the south.

This is one of seven maps (RCINs 734098.2.a, c, e, i, m, o, q) of proposed encampments in Lower Saxony and Schleswig Holstein for 20-30,000 troops with accompanying explanatory texts. All formerly contained in a rough buff paper folder, on which is written the old heading: XIV/98-2 Encampments in Germany, 1783; [bottom, black pencil, in a modern hand:] a-r (no j) Jan '87 [i.e. 1987] CMB. See also RCINs 734098.2.a-r (no j).

Condition: no fold lines. Verso: induced discolouration.
  • ? Georg Josua du Plat (1722-95) (draughtsman)


  • Watermark: Fleur-de-lys in crowned shield, a ‘4’ suspending the letter W below

    Mark, stamped: 1025

    Condition: no fold lines. Verso: induced discolouration

  • Scale: 1:16,000 approx. [Scale statement following title:] nach dem Landes Vermessungs Mastab 18" = 2000o = 1 Meile. (scale)

    32.4 x 38.5 cm (neatline)

    35.2 x 38.9 cm (image)

    38.7 x 42.4 cm (sheet)

  • Manuscript title:

    N:re 2 / Versamlungs: Lager so gleichfals auch zur Vertheidigung für ein Corps Trouppen von 20 bis 30 tausend Mann bei der Festung Hameln am rechten Üfer / der Weser. item eines Kleinen détachirten Corps am Lincken Üfer des Strohms. [across top of map in rectangular panel]


    George III heading: Encampments in Germany, 1783.

    Other annotations: none.

    George III catalogue entry:

    Encampment Seven drawn Plans of Encampments in Germany, with MS. Explanations by G.J. du Plat, 1783. [The same entry appears under the heading Germany.]

  • Subject(s)

    Hameln, Lower Saxony, Germany (52°06'14"N 09°21'22"E)

Page revisions

  • 23 May 2024