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Maps, views and diagrams of military reviews and encampments


Order of battle at Übigau, 1753 (Übigau, Saxony, Germany) 51°04'18"N 13°41'25"E


Etching; printed on paper; hand-coloured | 18.7 x 30.5 cm (image) | RCIN 731048.a

An order of battle, 1753. This is the first in a set of seven plans of the manoeuvres carried out by the Polish and Saxon army at Übigau in June 1753.

These manoeuvres were carried out in the presence of Maria Josepha of Austria (1699-1757), wife of Augustus III of Poland (1696-1763; who was also, as Frederick Augustus II, Elector of Saxony from 1733 to 1763) and the royal family. See also RCINs 731048.b-g.

Condition: flat, with no fold lines.
  • CS Berggold (active 1753) (engraver) [bottom right, inside neatline:] gravé p. C.S. Berggold. Lieut.t Ing.r


  • Watermark: Fleur-de-lys in crowned shield, the letters L V G below; countermark: IV

    Condition: flat, with no fold lines

  • 18.7 x 30.5 cm (image)

    20.2 x 32.6 cm (platemark)

    33.1 x 46.1 cm (sheet)

  • Printed title:

    ORDRE DE BATAILLE / Der Königl. Pohln: und Churfüstl. Sæchss: Armée / im Lager Bey Ubigau unweit Dresden / im Monat Iunio. 1753.

    Printed title:

    Nō: 1. [bottom left, outside neatline]


    (Recto) [bottom left, black pencil, indistinct:] XV/[?]; [top left, black pencil, erased:] Order of Battle. (Verso) none.

    George III catalogue entry:

    Order of Battle An Order of Battle and six Plans of the different Exercises and Military Movements executed by the Army of the King of Poland at Ubigau near Dresden in June 1753: by Lieut. Berggold Ing.r [The same entry appears under the heading Ubigau.]

  • Subject(s)

    Übigau, Saxony, Germany (51°04'18"N 13°41'25"E)

Page revisions

  • 3 November 2024