Contemporary maps of 10 sixteenth-century wars
Modon, Bay of Navarino and Codon, 1572 (Methóni, Peleponnese, Greece) 36°49ʹ11ʺN 21°42ʹ17ʺE; (Órmos Navarínou, Peleponnese, Greece) 36°56ʹ00N 21°41ʹ00ʺE; (Koróni, Peleponnese, Greece) 36°48ʹ00ʺN&
published 1572Etching with engraving; printed on paper; mounted on paper (Mount Type A); gilt edges, bottom, left and right | 25.5 x 34.4 cm (image and sheet) | RCIN 721067
A high oblique view/map of the Holy League 1572 expedition fleet actions against the Turks between Navarino and Coron in September and October 1572. Fourth Ottoman-Venetian War (1570-1573). Oriented with north-east (compass rose: G[reco]) to top.
The Turkish fleet had sought refuge from the Christian Isola Sapienta, the island of Sapienza, in plain view of the harbour of Modon. On 18 September Don John sent galleys around Capo Gallo (Cape Gallo) to fetch water from a stream a few miles north of the Turkish stronghold of Coron: the position of the river is marked ‘A questa fiume li cristiani fecero acqua’. The Turks attacked the soldiers who had gone ashore but withdrew when Don John landed a stronger force. Returning to Sapienza, the Holy League made various abortive attempts to enter the harbour of Modon before retiring to Navarino (left centre of this view) where there was an abundant water supply and from where Turkish galleys leaving Modon could be seen.
On 21 September, the Turks, occupying the castle which overlooked the Bay of Navarino fired their cannon. Reinforcements to the Holy League fleet arrived from Zante on 26 September and can be seen to the left of the view. After several unsuccesful attempts to take the castle at Navarino as well as Modon, Don John ordered, on 7 October (the first anniversay of the Battle of Lepanto) the retreat of the Holy League fleet.
Giovanni Francesco Camocio (active 1560-72) (publisher) [bottom left, bottom of cartouche:] Gio. Franco Camocio.
Army-TurkeyNavy-TurkeyNavy-Holy LeagueWatermark: Fleur-de-lys with crown above
Condition: Brown with age; some wear to the image, bottom right
25.5 x 34.4 cm (image and sheet)
cropped (platemark)
40.0 x 54.9 cm (mount)
Printed title:
Al' magn.co s.or Aluise capuano no = / bile Sebenzano, / Qui rapresento a.v.s.ria S.or Aluise / il fidelissimo dissegno del sito dli / luoghi nella prou.a della Morea, do = / ue al' pnte si ritroua assediata l'ar = / mata turcha dall' armata dlla sá = / tissima legha christiana, con lo / assedio di nauarino nouam.to / mandato dalli ex.mi generali à / la Ill.ma sig.ria nra di vinetia, / et basiandoli le mani megli rac / comando. di vinetia alli 24. / ottobre. M.D.LXXII. ½ di vra signoria. [bottom left, in a cartouche ornamented with strapwork]
Additional text:
The words ‘PARTE / DE LA / MOREA’ are lettered across the land area.
George III heading: Modon Navarino 1572.
Other annotations: (Recto) [bottom right, on mount, black pencil:] 1572. (Verso) [top left, black pencil:] I/63; [top left, on mount, red pencil:] 1/59; [top right, black pencil but erased, underlined: a place name?].
George III catalogue entry:
Modon Disegno dl sito delli Luoghi nella prou.a della Morea dove al presente si ritrova assediata l’Armata Turcha dall’Armata della Santissima legha Christiana; con lo Assedio di Navarino: da G.F. Camocio, 24 Ottobre 1572.
Methóni, Peleponnese, Greece (36°49ʹ11ʺN 21°42ʹ17ʺE)
Órmos Navarínou, Peleponnese, Greece (36°56ʹ00N 21°41ʹ00ʺE)
Koróni, Peleponnese, Greece (36°48ʹ00ʺN 21°57ʹ00ʺE)
Bibliographic reference(s)
K.M. Setton, The Papacy and the Levant, 1204-1571, Philadelphia 1984, pp. 1084-1086
M. McDonald, The Print Collection of Cassiano dal Pozzo. Part II, Architecture, Topography and Military Maps, 3 vols, London 2019, cat. no. 2715
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