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Other 17th-century conflicts

Printed and manuscript maps, prints and views of 22 seventeenth-century wars


View of the Battle of Saint-Martin-de-Ré, Île d’Oléron, Île de Ré and La Rochelle, 1625 (Saint-Martin-de-Ré, Poitou-Charentes, France) 46°12ʹ11ʺN  01°22ʹ02ʺW; (Île d’Oléron

1625 or later

Etching; printed from four copperplates on four sheets of paper, then joined; formerly mounted on paper (A Mount) | 76.6 x 71.1 cm (image and sheet) | RCIN 722019.a

A middle/high oblique view/map of the third day of the naval Battle of Saint-Martin de Ré, fought on 17 September 1625, showing the taking of the Île d'Oléron by the French Catholic forces. (See RCIN 722017 for further details.) Huguenot Rebellions or Rohan Wars (1625). Oriented with north to top.

  • N. Du Carlo (fl.1625) (draughtsman) French Military Engineer

    After? Charles Leber (draughtsman)

    Melchior Tavernier (1594-1665) (publisher)


  • Watermark: Bunch of grapes, two indistinct letters within

    Condition: ten fold lines; the bottom two sheets were folded separately before being pasted together; 18.0 cm tear to left edge, along horizontal fold line running into a diagonal 5.5 cm tear to bottom of top left sheet. Verso: brown discolouration; brush/paste marks; some offsetting; remains of cropped mount, type not discernible

  • 76.6 x 71.1 cm (image and sheet)

    cropped (platemark)

  • Printed title:

    L’ARMEE NAVALE DES HVGVENOTS / REBELLES ENTIEREMENT DEFAITE PAR MONSIEVR / de Montmorancy Admiral de France, auec la descente qu’il fit faire / en l’Isle d’Oleron le 17. Septembre 1625. / TROISIESME IOVRNEE. [no title on print; title on separate letterpress text]

    Additional text:

    [see RCIN 722019.b for a description of the separate accompanying letterpress text.]


    George III heading: Naval Engagement off the Island of  &c 17 Sep.1625.

    Other annotations: (Recto) none. (Verso) [top left, black pencil:] ; [left edge, centre, ink:] Gi.

    George III catalogue entry:

     L’Armée Navale des Huguenots Rebelles entierement defaite par l’Admiral de Montmorancy avec la descente qu’il fit faire en l’Isle d’Oleron le 17 1625: par Ducarlo Ing.r chez Tavernier. 4 feuilles.

  • Subject(s)

    Saint-Martin-de-Ré, Poitou-Charentes, France (46°12ʹ11ʺN 01°22ʹ02ʺW)

    Île d’Oléron, Poitou-Charentes, France (45°56ʹ00ʺN 01°18ʹ00ʺW)

    Île de Ré, Poitou-Charentes, France(46°12ʹ00ʺN 01°25ʹ00ʺE)

    La Rochelle, Poitou-Charentes, France(46°10ʹ00ʺN 01°09ʹ00ʺW)

  • Bibliographic reference(s)

    M. McDonald, The Print Collection of Cassiano dal Pozzo. Part II, Architecture, Topography and Military Maps, 3 vols, London 2019, cat. no. 2856

Page revisions

  • 25 May 2024