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Other 17th-century conflicts

Printed and manuscript maps, prints and views of 22 seventeenth-century wars


Naval battle near Rhodes, 1645 (Ródos, South Aegean, Greece) 36°22ʹ59ʺN 28°13ʹ35ʺE


Two separate columns of letterpress text, each laid down on paper then mounted on paper (Mount Type B) | 32.1 x 15.5 cm (sheet of left column) | RCIN 723062.c

Letterpress text accompanying the view of the naval battle off Rhodes, 1644 (see RCIN 723062.a). The text gives a full acount of the action and names the Maltese dead. See also RCIN 723062.b.

  • Anthoine de Vauconsains (active 1624-44) (publisher) [at end of text:] A Paris, chez Anthoine de Vauconsain, à l’Entrée de la grand Salle / du Palais.


    Navy-Ottoman Empire
  • Watermark: Text: none visible. Backing paper: anchor in clircle, six-pointed star above, the letter D below. Mount: none.

    Condition: tears to all pieces of text; repaired by being laid down on paper; brown discolouration from paste. Mount Type B; one fold line; no gilt edges; some offsetting on verso of a different print

  • 32.1 x 15.5 cm (sheet of left column)

    32.1 x 15.9 cm (sheet of right column)

    34.8 x 38.6 cm (mount)

  • Printed title:

    La sïgnalée Victoire Nauale, / remportée sur les Turcs, par les galéres / de la Religion de S. Jean de Jerusalem. / En laquelle a esté pris un grand galion de la Sultane, / & autres vaisseaux du Grand Seigneur, auec / trois cens & quatre-vingts captifs. [on RCIN 723062.b]


    George III heading: Naval Engagement near Rhodes 28 Sept 1645.

    Other annotations: none.

    George III catalogue entry:

    Rhodes Vue de la Victoire Navale remportée sur les Turcs par les Galeres de la Religion de S.t Jean de Jerusalaem pres de Rhodes le 28 de 1645; avec une Description: chez A. de Vauconsain.

  • Subject(s)

    Ródos, South Aegean, Greece (36°22ʹ59ʺN 28°13ʹ35ʺE)

  • Bibliographic reference(s)

    Mark McDonald, The Print Collection of Cassiano dal Pozzo. Part II, Architecture, Topography and Military Maps, 3 vols, London 2019, cat. no. 3185, 3186

Page revisions

  • 21 July 2024