Printed and manuscript maps, prints and views of 22 seventeenth-century wars
View of the battle of Pitigliano, 1643 (Pitigliano, Tuscany, Italy) 42°38ʹ08ʺN 11°40ʹ28ʺE
1643 or laterEtching; printed on paper; mounted on paper (mount cropped, probably Type B) | 30.8 x 66.7 cm (neatline) | RCIN 723041
A view of the raising, on 24 October 1643, by the army of the League of Tuscany, Venice and Modena commanded by Sargenre Generale Don Alonso Strozzi, of the siege of Pitigliano, undertaken by the Papal army commanded by Cardinal Antonio Barberini (5 August 1607-3 August 1671) and of the defeat of the Papal army. First War of Castro (1641-1644).
Francesco Cecchi (fl.1643) (etcher) [bottom, right of centre:] francesco Cecchi fece.
Barberini familyMedici familyWatermark: Kneeling man with halo, carrying a cross in shield
Condition: six fold lines. Verso: remains of [Mount Type B]
30.8 x 66.7 cm (neatline)
34.7 x 66.8 cm (image and sheet)
cropped (platemark)
34.7 x 67.2 cm (mount)
Printed title:
Soccorso portaio dall’ Armi della Lega in Tosscana, sotto la condotta del Serg.te Genle di Battaglia Don Alonzo Strozzi alla / Piazza di Pitigliano assediata dall’ esercito de Barberini et difesa dal Sergte Genle di Battaglia Pietro Grifoni, con la / ritirata, et dissfacimco delli aggressori, et conla perdita del lor canne, monitione, et baglio sotto di 24. 8bre.1643. [top centre, in banderole]
Additional text:
[bottom, below view, a key, A-I, L-Q.]
George III heading: Pitigliano 24 Oct. 1643.
Other annotations: none.
George III catalogue entry:
Pitigliano Soccorso portato dall’ Armi della Lega in Toscana sotto la condotta di Don Alonzo Strozzi alla Piazza di Pitigliano, assediata dall’ Esercito de Barberini, 24 Ottobre 1643: da F. Cecchi.
Pitigliano, Tuscany, Italy (42°38ʹ08ʺN 11°40ʹ28ʺE)
Bibliographic reference(s)
Mark McDonald, The Print Collection of Cassiano dal Pozzo. Part II, Architecture, Topography and Military Maps, 3 vols, London 2019, cat. no. 3141
Page revisions
23 May 2024
Current version