Other 18th-/19th-century conflicts
Maps, views and documents from 19 wars
Map of Frederiksten, 1718 (Fredriksten festing, Østfold, Norway) 59°07ʹ11ʺN 11°23ʹ48ʺE
1718 or laterPencil, pen, ink and watercolour on paper; gilt edges | Scale: 1:7,000 approx. | RCIN 727013
This plan has been removed from a volume, made about 1719 or later, of manuscript maps and plans of sieges. Other maps, perhaps in a different hand but, apparently from the same volume, are scattered throughout the collection: RCINs [724061], [724090], 725007, 725009, 725011, 725013, 725021, 725023, 725027, 725030, 725032, 725041, [725044], 725045, 725047, [725055], 725074, 725087, 725098, 726007, 726014, 726022, 726041, 726045, 726053, 726065, 726073, 726080, 726086, 726090, 727004, 727007, 727011, 727014.
Additional text: [left, below title, in continuation of rectangular panel down left side of map, a key, a-i, k-o, to the works executed on each of the seven nights of the siege, the batteries, forts, place where the King of Sweden was killed, Friderichstein and Fridrichshalle. Another key, 1-3, to a hidden passage, a paved road, and a small wooden house where the king had rested after taking the fort of Guldenlöw on 8 October 1718:] Renvoÿ des Lettres, et Chiffres.
Condition: one fold line. Verso: induced discolouration; remains of old guard.
Anonymous (cartographer)
Army-SwedenArmy-NorwayArmy-DenmarkWatermark: Strasburg lily
Mark, stamped: 163
Condition: one fold line. Verso: induced discolouration; remains of old guard
Scale: 1:7,000 approx. Scale bar: [106 mm = 200] Ruten.
38.9 x 60.6 cm (neatline)
39.5 x 61.0 cm (image)
52.8 x 74.3 cm (sheet)
Manuscript title:
PLAN / de la Fortresse Danoise / de / FRIDERICHSTEIN / prosche de la ville de Fride= / richs,, hal, en Norwege, / situé sùr la Mer d’Idefiord / et Swine Sund; Assigée par / CHARLE. XII. Roÿ de Süede / avec. 8000 hommes, 36 Pieces / des Cànons, et 18 Mortiers, / tranchée Ouverte le 11 Novbr., / l’equel Siege à eté leve le / 12 Decembr, 1718, par la Mort / Fatale de sa Majeste / Süedoise. [top left, in rectangular cartouche]
Additional text:
[left, below title, in continuation of rectangular panel down left side of map, a key, a-i, k-o, to the works executed on each of the seven nights of the siege, the batteries, forts, place where the King of Sweden was killed, Friderichstein and Fridrichshalle. Another key, 1-3, to a hidden passage, a paved road, and a small wooden house where the king had rested after taking the fort of Guldenlöw on 8 October 1718:] Renvoÿ des Lettres, et Chiffres.
George III heading: Frederickshall 11 Nov.r - 12 Dec.r 1718.
Other annotations: (Recto) [top right, ink:] 25. (Verso) [top centre, black pencil, erased:] Frederickshall; [top right, ink:] 25.; [bottom centre, red pencil:] 6/19; [bottom centre, black pencil:] VII/19.
George III catalouge entry:
Frederickshall Plan dessiné de la Fortresse Danoise de Friderichstein proche de la Ville de Friderichs-hal en Norwege, assiegée par Charles XII Roy de Suede, le 11 Nov.re et levée le 12 Dec.re 1718.
Fredriksten festing, Østfold, Norway (59°07ʹ11ʺN 11°23ʹ48ʺE)
Page revisions
3 November 2024
Current version