The wars of 1735–9, 1768–74 and 1787–92
Kinburns'ka Kosa and Ochakov, 1787 (Kinburn Spit, Mykolayivs'ka, Ukraine) 46°34'00"N 31°31'00"E; (Ochakov, Ukraine) 46°36'46"N 31°32'59"E
published 1788Etching and engraving; printed on paper; hand coloured | 33.0 x 42.5 cm (image) | RCIN 734105.d
A view of the Battle of Ochakov and Kinburn, on 12 October 1787. Russo-Turkish War (1787-92); Austro-Turkish War (1787-91). The explanatory text to this view is at RCIN 734105.c. This is one of a set of images comprising RCINs 734105.a-o. For more information on the composition of this set, see RCIN 734105.
This view is taken from the south, looking over the narrow sandbank which formed the southern shore of the Dnieper estuary, known as the Kinburn Peninsula, towards Ochakov on the northern bank. Kinburn fortress was garrisoned by the Russians under the command of Alexander Suvorov. The Ottomans attacked with three 60-gun ships of the line, while their troops were brought in on 23 transport vessels. Suvarov's 1,500 troops were reinforced later in the battle by cossacks and the Turks were defeated, losing about 4,000 men. Широкорад А.Б. Русско-Турецкие войны (под общ. ред Тараса А.Е.) Minsk, 2000.
Francesco Casanova (1727-1803) (artist)
Carl Schütz (1745-1800) (draughtsman) [bottom left, below edge of view:] Fr: Casanova ad Natur: pinxit. C: Schütz delin:
Christian von Mechel (1737-1817) (engraver and publisher) [bottom right, below edge of view:] Chr: a Mechel excudit Basileæ 1788; [bottom centre, below text:] Cum Privilegio.
Army-RussiaArmy-TurkeyWatermark: Fleur-de-lys in crowned shield; countermark: D & C BLAUW
Condition: no fold lines
28.5 x 42.5 cm (neatline)
33.0 x 42.5 cm (image)
very faint or cropped (platemark)
38.2 x 49.6 cm (sheet)
Printed title:
PROSPEKT VON OCZAKOW UND KINBURN, / am Ausfluß des Dniepers in das Schwarze Meer, allwo dieser Fluß Liman gen.t wird, / mit der Vorstellung des berühmten Treffens, welches nahe bey lezterm Ort zwischen / den Russen und Türken, den 12 Octob.r 1787. vorgefallen. // VUE D’OCZAKOW ET DE KINBURN, / à l’embouchure du Dnieper dans la Mer noire, où ce Fleuve prend le nom de Liman, / avec la Représentation du fameux Combat qui se livra près de la dernière de ces deux / Places, entre les Russes et les Turcs, le 12. d’Octobre 1787. [bottom, below view, in German and French]
George III catalogue entry:
Turky Cinq Tableaux des Evenemens les plus memorables de la Guerre actuelle des Autrichiens et des Russes contre les Turcs, depuis le 12 Oct.re 1787 jusqu’au 14 Oct.re 1788, et des places Turqués qui en ont eté le Theatre; dans une suite d’Estampes par Cassanova, Schutz et Dedovics; avec des Explications. Plan des deux Sieges du Fort de Dubicza par les Autrichiens en 1788; avec une Explication. Plan du Siege de la Fortresse d’Oczakow emportée par les Russiens le 17 Dec.re 1788: chez C. de Mechel, 1789, 1790. imperfect.
Kinburn Spit, Mykolayivs'ka, Ukraine (46°34'00"N 31°31'00"E)
Ochakov, Ukraine (46°36'46"N 31°32'59"E)
Page revisions
23 May 2024
Current version