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The Seven Years War (1756-63)

Manuscript and printed maps and views, correspondence and journals from the first global war


Lobith and Griethausen, 1758

PLAN / du PASSAGE du RHIN / de L’ARMÉE ALLIÉE / dans la nuit du 1me au 2me / Juin 1758, près de / LOBETH ou TOLHUIS / Comme aussi / du REPASSAGE / le 8 et 9me Aout près de GRIETHAUSEN


Etching and engraving; printed on paper; hand coloured | Scale: 1:46,800 approx. | RCIN 732001.l

A map of the crossing of the Rhine by the Allied army on the night of 1-2 June 1758 near Lobith. Seven Years War (1756-63). Oriented with north-west to top (compass rose).

The crossing of the Rhine at Lobith had only been made possible by the clandestine assembly by a Dutch merchant of sufficient boats and boards to build the requisite bridges across the river. The crossing of the Allied army took from the 1st to the 3rd of June. (Savory 1966, pp.71-3.)

Additional text: [bottom right, in rococo cartouche, a key to the march to the first crossing, A-I, K-L, and to the 'REPASSAGE', M-R.]

Condition: no fold lines; crisp image from what is probably an early pull from the copperplates; guarded into volume.
  • Friedrich Wilhelm von Bauer (1731-83) (compiler and draughtsman) [below title, in title cartouche:] F.W. de Bawr.

    Jakob van der Schley (1715-79) (engraver)

    Pierre Gosse Jr (1718-94) (publisher)

    Daniel Pinet (active 1762-86) (publisher) [bottom centre, outside border:] Gravé Sous la Direction de J.V. Schley, et Publié à La Haye aux Depens de PIERRE GOSSE junior & DANIEL PINET, 1765.

  • Watermark: None

    Condition: no fold lines; crisp image from what is probably an early pull from the copperplates; guarded into volume

  • Scale: 1:46,800 approx. Scale bar: 6000 Pass [104 mm =].

    48.0 x 27.4 cm (neatline)

    9.0 x 27.9 cm (image)

    50.8 x 29.4 cm (platemark)

    63.7 x 47.2 cm (sheet)

  • Printed title:

    PLAN / du PASSAGE du RHIN / de L’ARMÉE ALLIÉE / dans la nuit du 1me au 2me / Juin 1758, près de / LOBETH ou TOLHUIS / Comme aussi / du REPASSAGE / le 8 et 9me Aout près de GRIETHAUSEN. [top right, in rococo cartouche]

    Additional text:

    [bottom right, in rococo cartouche, a key to the march to the first crossing, A-I, K-L, and to the 'REPASSAGE', M-R.]


    (Recto) [top right, black pencil:] 12. (Verso) none.

    George III catalogue entry:

    Germany Theatre de la Guerre en Allemagne entre la Grande Britagne et la France depuis l’an 1757 jusqu’a l’an 1762: dessiné par le Colonel F.W. de Bawr: chez Gosse et Pinet, 1769. 7 feuilles; avec 18 Plans des Sieges et Batailles donnés depuis 1757 jusqu’a 1762. Fol.

  • Subject(s)

    Lobith, Gelderland, Netherlands (51°51'45"N 06°07'05"E)

    Griethausen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany (51°49'18"N 06°09'56"E)

  • Bibliographic reference(s)

    R. Savory, His Britannic Majesty’s army in Germany during the Seven Years War, Oxford, 1966

Page revisions

  • 14 March 2024