Manuscript and printed maps and views, correspondence and journals from the first global war
Map of Lake George, 1755 (New York, USA) 43°25'33"N 73°42'54"W
1756Etching with engraving; printed on paper | 28.5 x 51.1 cm (two images on one sheet, whole image) | RCIN 731065.a
A view of the battle near Lake George, 8 September 1755. French and Indian War (1754-63). The accompanying 'Explanation' is at RCIN 731065.b.
An account of this view is given in Samuel Abbott Green, 'Blodget's plan of the battle on the shores of Lake George, 8 September 1755: remarks made before the Massachusetts Historical Society, March 13, 1890', Cambridge, MA, 1890. A facsimile was published in Boston in 1902 in Ten fac-simile reproductions relating to New England by Samuel Abbott Green.
Thomas Jefferys (c. 1719-71) (engraver and publisher) [bottom right, edge of neatline:] T. Jefferys sculp. [bottom centre, below edge of neatline:] Published according to Act of Parliament February the 2.d 1756.
Samuel Blodget (active 1755) (draughtsman) [bottom left, below edge of neatline:] Samuel Blodget delin.
Army-GBArmy-FranceWatermark: None
Condition: one fold line
28.5 x 51.1 cm (two images on one sheet, whole image)
25.7 x 51.1 cm (neatline)
28.7 x 52.1 cm (platemark)
30.6 x 53.6 cm (sheet)
25.7 x 19.6 cm (neatline First Engagement)
25.7 x 31.6 cm (neatline Second Engagement)
Printed title:
A Prospective View of the BATTLE fought near Lake George, on the 8.th of Sep.r 1755, between 2000 English with 250 Mohawks, / under the command of GEN.L JOHNSON: & 2500 French & Indians under the command of GEN.L DIESKAU in which the English were victorious captivating the French Gen.l with a Number of his Men killing 700 & putting the rest to flight. [Two views, side by side:] FIRST ENGAGEMENT [and] SECOND ENGAGEMENT [Accompanied by letterpress text, see RCIN 731065.b.] [top, outside neatline]
[left: a map of the Hudsons River from New York to Lake George.] Scale: 1: 35,900. Scale bar: Scale of Miles for the Wedth of the River [135 mm =] 3. Scale of Miles / for the Length of the River [ = 34 mm].
[Bottom left:] A Plan of / Lymans / now called / Fort Edward [and] A Plan of / Fort / William Henry.Annotations:
George III heading: Battle near Lake George 8 Sept.r 1755.
Other annotations: none.
George III catalogue entry:
George, Lake Prospective View of the Battle fought near Lake George on the 8.th of Sept.r 1755, between the English and Mohawks under the command of General Johnson, and the French and Indians under the command of General Dieskau: by Samuel Blodget, published by Jefferys 1756: with an Explanation 4.o
New York, USA (43°25'33"N 73°42'54"W)
Page revisions
7 June 2024
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