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The Seven Years War (1756-63)

Manuscript and printed maps and views, correspondence and journals from the first global war

HUGH DEBBIEG (1731-1810)

Map of Quebec, 1759 (Quebec, Canada) 46°47'51"N 71°13'34"W


Pencil, ink and watercolour on paper; laid down in linen; edged with cerise silk; silk ties, two brass rings | Scale: 1:9,600 | RCIN 732100

A map of the St Lawrence River and Quebec, 1759. French and Indian War (1754-1763) Oriented with north-north-east to top (compass rose). 

Although the George III catalogue entry attributes the draughtsmanship of the map to Patrick Mackellar, his signature, bottom right, may simply be to indicate that he, as Chief Engineer, has certified that the map is correct. However, the lettering and cartography is similar to his hand and the present attribution to him of the draftsmanship of this map is made on stylistic grounds, while observing that the style of cartography, absent the lettering, also resembles the hand of Hugh Debbieg. The compilation sketches and drawing from which this map was made are at RCINs 732102-732104. Other copies of this map are in the National Archives of Canada (Chapman and Goodman, 2014).

  • Hugh Debbieg (1731-1810) (surveyor) [left, above the references to the ‘Town of Quebec’:] N.B. The different Parts were surveyed as follows Viz.t The East side of the Falls / of Montmorency, the Point of Orleans, and the south side of the River S.t Laurence / by Cap.t Debbieg Eng.r in Ordinary. The Coast of Beauport from the River S.t Charles / to the Falls of Montmorency, by Cap.t Holland of the royal Americans, Assistant / Engineer. The Ground between the River S.T Laurence and the River S.t Charles by / Lieu.t Des Barres of the royal Americans Ass.t Eng.r

    Samuel Holland (1728-1801) (surveyor)

    Joseph Frederick Wallet Des Barres (1721-1824) (surveyor)

    Patrick Mackellar (1717-78) (draughtsman) [bottom right, outside border:] Pat Mackellar Maj. & Chief Engineer.


  • Watermark: None

  • Scale: 1:9,600. Scale bar: Scale of 800 Feet to an Inch

    72.1 x 182.3 cm (sheet)

    90.0 x 198.7 cm (frame, external)

  • Manuscript title:

    PLAN of the TOWN of QUEBEC the Capital of CANADA, in / NORTH, AMERICA with the Bason and a part of the adjacent Country, shewing / the principal, Encampments, and Works of the British Army commanded by MAJOR / GENERAL. WOLFE, and those of the, French Army commanded by LIEU.T GENERAL / the MARQUIS of MONT CALM during the Siege of That Place in 1759. [top left]

    Additional text:

    [left, below title:] N.B. The British works are coloured yellow, and their Encampments red with the / Facings of the different Corpses. The French Works and Encampments, are / coloured blue. [Left, down left side of map, a key and explanation of the features associated with the Encampments at Point Orleans, Point Levi, and the Falls of Montmorency, the Batteries at Pointe des Peres, the Descent of the British troops on the coast of Beauport, and the Battle on the Plains of Abraham, 13 September 1759:] REFERENCES.


    George III heading [black pencil:] Quebec 1759. (with copies of the Gazettes containing the Account of the Observations and of the Battle of Quebec on the of Sept.r 1759)

    Other annotations (Recto) [bottom left, black pencil:] XII/100 Military. (Verso) none.

    K. Mil. dummy sheet:

    Title [ink:] A drawn Plan of the Town of Quebec with the Bason and a part of the adjacent Country: shewing / the principal Encampments and Works of the British Army, under Major General Wolfe: and those of the / French Army, under Lieut. General the Marquise of Montcalm, during the Siege of that place in 1759: / by Major Pat. Mackellar Chief Eng.r from Surveys made by Captain Debbieg and Holland and Lieut.t Des / Barnes. 3 sheets. – with Copies of the Gazettes containing the accounts of the operations and of the Battle of Quebec on the of Sept.r 1759 / A Roll … [black pencil] 5 Table 2.d / [black pencil, in a modern and:] Big. Sep. Seq. / [red ink, George III heading:] Quebec 27 June – 18 Sep. 1759. 
    Watermark: fleur-de-lys in crowned shield, the letters BvW below. 
    Size: 47.0 x 32.7 cm (sheet).

    George III catalogue entry:

    Quebec A drawn Plan of the Town of Quebec with the Bason and a part of the adjacent Country, shewing the principal Encampments and Works of the British Army under Major General Wolfe, and those of the French Army under Lieut. General the Marquis of Montcalm during the Siege of that place in 1759: by Major Pat Mackellar chief Eng.r from Surveys made by Captains Debbieg and Holland and Lieut. Des Barres. 3 sheets (with Copies of the Gazettes containing the Account of the Operations and of the Battle of Quebec on the of Sept.r 1759.)

  • Subject(s)

    Quebec, Canada (46°47'51"N 71°13'34"W)

Page revisions

  • 25 May 2024