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The Seven Years War (1756-63)

Manuscript and printed maps and views, correspondence and journals from the first global war

? WILLIAM ROY (1726-90)

Map of the Battle of Minden, 1759 (Minden, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany) 52°17'00"N 08°55'00"E


Pencil, pen, ink, watercolour and grey wash on six pieces of very thin paper, joined | Scale: 1:29,900 approx. | RCIN 732110.b

A map of the Battle of Minden, 1 August 1759. Seven Years War (1756-1763). Oriented with south-south-east to top (cardinal points).

Formerly kept in a rough buff rag paper folder with the old heading written to the front. Two paper flaps, on which are drawn different positions of the armies during the battle, are pasted to the map. William Roy, the author of this map, was at the time of the battle a Lieutenant of Engineers and Lieutenant in the 51st Regiment of Foot (known as the 53rd before 1757). Roy was promoted to Captain of Engineers on 10 September 1759, six weeks after the Battle of Minden. The 51st was Napier's Regiment. Robert Napier (c.1703-66) became Colonel of the 51st (then the 53rd) in 1755, and Lieutenant General in 1759. He was ADC and military secretary to the Duke of Cumberland. He and Roy were known to each other and corresponded on military matters (see RCIN 732066.b).

Additional text: [down left side of map:] IOURNAL OF THE ALLY'D ARMY UNDER THE COMMAND OF H,S,H, PR: FERDINAND / from Iuly 1759 to ye 2.d of Augt. [includes a long and detailed key to the movements of the army and:] ORDER of MARCH of the ALLY'D ARMY in 9 Columns from Petershagen Heath towards the Plains of Minden July Intending to attack ye Ennemy. [and:] ORDER of MARCH of the ALLY'D ARMY in 8 Columns from the Camp of Hille to the Field of Battle on the Plain of Minden Augt:1st 1759 [top, left of centre:] LIST OF THE TROOPS / which composed the ALLY'D ARMY / at the Camp of Petershagen, serving as an / Index for the positions of the several Corps at the different Periods / mentioned in the Plan.

Condition: fragile; several fold lines; creased; small tear through old heading, bottom left; four small holes along bottom edge; brown discolouration to left edge; some brown stains.
  • ? William Roy (1726-90) (surveyor and draughtsman)


  • Watermark: None visible

    Mark, stamped: 885

    Condition: fragile; several fold lines; creased; small tear through old heading, bottom left; four small holes along bottom edge; brown discolouration to left edge; some brown stains.

  • Scale: 1:29,900 approx. Scale bar: SCALE of 6000 ordinary paces of 2½ feet each [153 mm =].

    54.9 x 60.9 cm (neatline)

    55.6 x 87.3 cm (image)

    57.7 x 88.3 cm (sheet)

  • Manuscript title:

    PLAN OF THE BATTLE OF THONHAUSEN / NEAR MINDEN, gained Aug.t 1759. / BY HIS BRITANNICK MAIESTY’S ALLY’D ARMY / Under the Command of H,S,H, PR: FERDINAND / Duke of Brunswick and Luneburg / Over the French Army / Commanded by / Maris:l Contades. [top right, in rococo cartouche]

    Additional text:

    IOURNAL OF THE ALLY'D ARMY UNDER THE COMMAND OF H,S,H, PR: FERDINAND / from Iuly 1759 to ye 2.d of Augt. ​[down left side of map:]  ORDER of MARCH of the ALLY'D ARMY in 9 Columns from Petershagen Heath towards the Plains of Minden July Intending to attack ye Ennemy. [includes a long and detailed key to the movements of the army and:] [and:] ORDER of MARCH of the ALLY'D ARMY in 8 Columns from the Camp of Hille to the Field of Battle on the Plain of Minden Augt:1st 1759  LIST OF THE TROOPS / which composed the ALLY'D ARMY / at the Camp of Petershagen, serving as an / Index for the positions of the several Corps at the different Periods / mentioned in the Plan. [top, left of centre]


    George III heading: Battle of Minden 1 Aug.t 1759.

    Other annotations: (Recto) [bottom right, black pencil, cropped and illegible]. (Verso) [bottom left, black pencil:] XV[I]/48.

    George III catalogue entry:

    Minden A drawn Plan of the Battle of Thonhausen near Minden gained on the 1st of August 1759 by His Britannick Majesty’s Allied Army under the command of Prince Ferdinand over the French Army commanded by Marshal Contades: with a journal of the Allied Army from the of July to the 2.d of August 1759. (by Captain W.m Roy Eng.r)

  • Subject(s)

    Minden, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany (52°17'00"N 08°55'00"E)

Page revisions

  • 5 June 2024