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The Seven Years War (1756-63)

Manuscript and printed maps and views, correspondence and journals from the first global war


Maps of Germany, 1757

1763 or later

Pencil, pen, ink and watercolour on paper. The maps are bound in a folio volume in full red leather binding. | Scale: 1:39,290 approx. | RCIN 732200

A volume of manuscript plans and journals of the marches and encampments of George II's Hanoverian army in Germany, commanded by the Duke of Cumberland, in 1757. Seven Years War (1756-63)

G.J. du Plat states, on the title page of this volume, that it has been made and presented by him. However, it would appear, both from the style of cartography and the signature on RCIN 732200.c of his younger brother, Anton Heinrich du Plat, that most of the maps in this volume are in fact copied by A.H. du Plat from those at the same scale made and drawn at an earlier date by Georg Josua which are in a companion volume (RCIN 732201).

The layout of the maps, two to a page, is the same in both volumes but, although A.H. du Plat states that he has copied the maps there are often significant differences in the amount of topographical information shown. This tends to be more detailed in the maps made by Anton Heinrich, whose work is also more polished, as befits a presentation set. It is possible that Anton Heinrich had access to additional data for the topography. The stylistic connection between the two sets extends from the repetition of the columns of regimental names to the close similarity between the decorative elements of the map numbers. Important differences in detail are mentioned in the individual catalogue entries for the maps.

G.J. du Plat does not state to whom he is presenting the journals and maps which comprise RCIN 732200. The form of the royal cipher on the binding of this volume would suggest either George II or George III. While the date of the events portrayed, 1757, places them within George II's reign (1727-60), the ranks with which the copyist, A.H. du Plat, is designated give an earliest date of production of 1763 which would place the execution of the maps in the reign of George III.

According to the list of the Hanoverian Army at RCIN 733070, the date of [G.J] du Plat's commission as a Lieutenant-Colonel in the Engineers (Génie) was 5 July 1761 (the list does not give the initials of officers). The date of [A.H.] du Plat's commission as a Captain Lieutenant in the Engineers was 11 March 1763. The maps of the siege of Harbourg (RCIN and of the camp at Uelzen (RCIN were by Lieutenant J.L. Hogrewe, whose date of commission as Lieutenant was 11 December 1761, and the plan of the Battle of Hastenbeck (RCIN 732200.t) was apparently by Lieutenant Pape of the Hanoverian engineers; the date of his commission as Lieutenant was 30 July 1762. A tentative production date of 1763 or after has been assigned to the copy maps in this volume (RCIN 732200), consistent with the date of Anton Heinrich du Plat's commission as Captain Lieutenant.

The provenance of this volume, suggested by the combination of royal cipher and commission dates of the engineer surveyors/draughtsmen, suggests George III (see above) and this designation has been assigned to the maps in RCIN 732200. However, the earlier companion volume at RCIN 732201 lacks the text of the journals and also the monogram of George II/III and bears a library mark which appears to be in the hand of Cumberland's librarian, Edward Mason. This suggests that the person to whom G.J. Plat presented his original maps (in RCIN 732201) was William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland (1726-65) who is mentioned in the title pages of both volumes as being in command of 'His Britannic Majesty's Army in Germany' in 1757 and this provenance has been assigned to the earlier volume (RCIN 732201).

The maps show topographical details such as land use, settlements, and bridging places. The regiments are marked by numbers on the map and each map has a key giving the name of the regiments according to their number and divides the encamped regiments into the First or Second Line.

The scale to the maps, and the key to the conventional signs used to represent the troops is given on N.o XXXII, headed 'Remarques' (RCIN The troop rectangles are coloured according to nationality: Hanoverian (red), Prussian (green), Brunswickian (yellow), Hessian (blue), French (lilac).


The volume is divided into two parts. The first part comprises 46 pages of manuscript text: Premiere Partie / contenante / L'Abregé du Commencement de cette Guerre, Les Mouvemens de l'Ennemi, / & la dislocation des Trouppes du Roi avec Leurs Marches & Camps / Sous les Ordres de Son Altesse Roïale Monseigneur Le Duc de Cumberland jusqu'au 5.e Octobre 1757 / relatifs / aux Camps suivans selon L'ordre Chronologique [followed by a list of the plans.] [Followed by:] Abregé du Commencement de cette Guerre [2 pp.]. [Followed by:] Journal de la Campagne 1757 [followed by half title-page] PLANS / pour / La Premiere Partie [followed by the plans and then second title-page,] Second Partie / qui renferme / Le Recommencement de cette Campagne, avec les dispositions, Marches & / Camps depuis le 23. Novembre, que Son Altesse Serenissime le Duc Ferdinand / de Brunsvic & de Lunebourg arriva à Stade pour prendre le Commendement / de l'Armée & la remettre en Activité, de même que les mouvemens de l'ennemi / jusqu'à la fin de l'année. / relatif / aux Planches suivans: [followed by a list of maps.] [Followed by a note on the verso:] Nota / La Planche N=re XXXII dans La Premiere Partie contient La / distinction en Couleurs des differentes nations dont L'Armée du Roi / étoit composée, de meme que L'Echelle Generale à tous les Plans de ce / Receuil, excepté La Bataille de Hastenbeck, et Le Siege de Haarbourg / qui ont Leur Echelle particulier. [Followed by a tabulation of the locations of the regiments and their commanding officers at Stade on 23 November 1757, and the journal of marches and movements from 23 November 1757 to 16 January 1758, together with the second half title-page:] PLANS / pour / La Seconde Partie. [Followed by the plans.]

The maps are bound in a folio volume in full red leather binding; upper board with 18 mm gold tooled border comprising three rows of roll patterns, the inner row having a floral design. Lower board with same border design. Spine with five raised bands, each with gold tooled rolled pattern, and gold tooled decorations between, no lettering; plain gilt edges, top, right and bottom, to pages.

  • Georg Josua du Plat (1722-95) (surveyor and draughtsman)

    Anton Heinrich du Plat (1738-91) (surveyor and draughtsman)

    [?] Pape (active 1760-63) (cartographer)

    Johann Ludwig Hogrewe (1737-1814) (cartographer)


  • Watermark: on front pastedown: similar to Heawood 401, but countermark: G C D; elsewhere: fleur-de-lys; countermark: IV. See individual entries for other watermarks

    Condition: bottom 7-8 mm of leather missing from spine; cracks to front and back hinges; brown discolouration to the edges of the pastedowns and first and last two to three pages from the paste

  • Scale: 1:39,290 approx. [Scale statement is on RCIN] Scale bar: Echelle d’une heure de chemin, ou de Six mille pas communs, Pour tous Les Plans / de cette Campagne, excepté de celui de La Bataille de Hastenbeck & du Siege de Haarburg [124 mm =]

    38.3 x 25.4 cm (binding)

    37.8 x 24.4 cm (page dimensions)

  • Lettered title:

    LA CAMPAGNE / 1757 / DE L'ARMEE DU ROI EN ALLEMAGNE [in gold hand-finished letters with gold tooled cipher probably formerly used by George II and used by George III in the early years of his reign above]


    George III heading: Encampments in Germany 1757.

    Other annotations [inside upper board on pastedown, top left, black pencil:] 6 K 3; XII/3-1 Military.; [in a different, later hand, black pencil:] 4/16-4. [bottom left, black pencil, in an early twentieth-century hand?:] Rm I 1B 3b. 

    K. Mil. dummy sheet:

    Title [ink:] La Campagne 1757 de l'Armée de Sa Majesté Britannique en Allemagne; / par le Lieut. Col. G.J. de Plat. MS. / One Volume Folio ... [black pencil:] 6 H 3 [the H was formerly a K] / [black pencil:] UL I -IB - 3b / [George III heading, red ink:] XII/3-1 Encampments in Germany 1757. 
    Watermark: RUSE & TURNERS 1815. 
    Size: 47.2 x 32.9 cm (sheet). 

    George III catalogue entry:

    Encampment La Campagne 1757 de l’Armée de Sa Majesté Britannique en Allemagne: par le Lieut. Col. G.J. du Plat. MS. Fol. [The same entry appears under the heading Germany.]

Page revisions

  • 23 May 2024