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Thirty Years War (1618-48)

Maps, prints and letterpress text covering the major battles and sieges of the war

SIMON MAUPIN (?1590-1668)

Maps of France and Italy, 1629-1640

1629 or later

Fifteen etched and engraved views/maps, printed on paper, and guarded into the volume | 45.3 x 32.3 cm (album) | RCIN 722039

A printed volume of maps showing the campaigns of Louis XIII in France and Italy from 1629 to 1640.

One volume of fifteen maps, each mounted on guards. Full brown leather binding. Upper and lower boards with a centrepiece comprising the stamped and gold tooled coat of arms of George III within a rectangular border of three gold tooled lines with cornerpieces of a crown above a monogram of two entwined letters 'CC'; with a border of two gold tooled lines. Spine with six raised bands between which are gold tooled filigree designs with a smaller version of the upper and lower board 'CC' monograms; title stamped in gold on two black leather panels: 'CAMPAGNE DE / LOUIS XIII' and '1629, 40'; gold filigree designs along the length of the edges of the boards. Two blank leaves at beginning; three blank leaves at end. The inside of the upper and lower lower boards is covered with English letterpress text which is obscured by a blank pastedown; very faint red and blue marbling to head, fore and tail edges. Bookplate of Queen Victoria on front pastedown. Fifteen engraved views/maps, printed on paper, and guarded into the volume.

Watermark: all maps: large coat of arms. Blank leaves at beginning and end: bunch of grapes and indecipherable monogram.

Annotations: old heading [in black pencil on front pastedown:] II/39 Millitary. Campaigns of Louis XIII in France and Italy from 1629 to 1640. Other annotations [on front pastedown, former library pressmarks, black pencil:] 4/23-1 [and] I.11.D. [and the RCIN]; [top right, recto of first front leave, black pencil, erased:] II/[?] [and, centre:] 70.

Dummy sheet: title [ink:] Campagnes de Louis XIII – 1629 – 40 (Les Plans des Sieges et Batailles données / en France et en Italie par le Roy Louis XIII depuis 1629 jusqu'à 1640.) / One Volume Folio … [bp:] 5 I 3 [black pencil, in a modern hand:] Upper Library Rm I-II-D. Old heading: Campaigns of Louis XIII in France and Italy from 1629-1640. Watermark BUDGEN & WILMOTT / 1810. Dimensions: 47.1 x 32.7 cm (sheet).

Condition: upper board detached; brown staining to blank leaves and maps, some worm holes.
  • Simon Maupin (?1590-1668) (draughtsman)

    Melchior Tavernier (1594-1665) (publisher)

    ? Abraham Bosse (1604-76) (printmaker)

    ? Jean de Beins (1577-1651) (draughtsman)


    Louis XIII, King of France (1601-43)
  • Watermark: all maps: large coat of arms. Blank leaves at beginning and end: bunch of grapes and indecipherable monogram

    Condition: upper board detached; brown staining to blank leaves and maps, some worm holes

  • 45.3 x 32.3 cm (album)

  • Lettered:

    CAMPAGNE DE / LOUIS XIII / 1629, 40 [on spine]


    George III heading [in black pencil on front pastedown:] II/39 Millitary. Campaigns of Louis XIII in France and Italy from 1629 to 1640.

    Other annotations [on front pastedown, former library pressmarks, black pencil:] 4/23-1 [and] I.11.D. [and the RCIN]; [top right, recto of first front leave, black pencil, erased:] II/[?] [and, centre:] 70.

    K. Mil. Dummy sheet:

    Title [ink:] Campagnes de Louis XIII – 1629 – 40 (Les Plans des Sieges et Batailles données / en France et en Italie par le Roy Louis XIII depuis 1629 jusqu'à 1640.) / One Volume Folio … [bp:] 5 I 3 [black pencil, in a modern hand:] Upper Library Rm I-II-D. Old heading: Campaigns of Louis XIII in France and Italy from 1629-1640. Watermark BUDGEN & WILMOTT / 1810. Dimensions: 47.1 x 32.7 cm (sheet).

    George III catalogue entry:

    France Campagnes de Louis XIII (Les Plans des Sieges et des Batailles données en France et en Italie par le Roy Louis XIII depuis 1629 jusques a 1640) Fol.

Page revisions

  • 23 May 2024