Maps, prints and letterpress text covering the major battles and sieges of the war
View of the Battle of Tuttlingen, 1643 (Tuttlingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany) 47°59ʹ05ʺN 08°49ʹ04ʺE
1643 or laterEtching, printed on paper and laid down on paper; letterpress text on separate sheet of paper, laid down on paper; view and text mounted one above the other on one sheet of paper (Mount Type B); gilt edges top, right and bottom | 24.5 x 32.4 cm (image and sheet of view) | RCIN 723044
A high oblique view of the Battle of Tuttlingen, fought on 24 November 1643 between the Imperial army, commanded by Baron Franz von Mercy (d.1645) and the French, commanded by Josias von Rantzau (18 October 1609-14 September 1650), resulting in an Imperial victory. Thirty Years War (1618-1648). Oriented with north-west to top.
The 'Duc de Lorraine' mentioned in the title of this print does not refer to Charles IV (5 April 1604-18 September 1675), who was Duc de Lorraine from 1634 until his death, but, presumably, to Franz von Mercy, who had been born in Lorraine. The Duchy was, at the time of this battle, in which the French suffered a crushing defeat, occupied by France. The second in command of the Imperial army was Johann von Werth (1591-16 January 1652), whose troops are shown in this print immediately south of Tuttlingen.
Anonymous (cartographer)
Army-FranceArmy-BavarianWatermark: View: none visible; backing paper: circle with a bird on three hils, the letters A S to either side. Text: none visible; backing paper: rampant stag in crowned shield. Mount: none.
Condition: brown discolouration from paste; text: four fold lines; some pressure marks
24.5 x 32.4 cm (image and sheet of view)
cropped (platemark)
28.2 x 30.8 cm (text sheet)
53.7 x 38.6 cm (mount)
Printed title:
Delineation & Relation de lentiere desfaicte de larmee Françoise & VVeymaroise pres de Tudlingen sur le Danube, / par lArmee Imperiale, commandee par le Serenissime Duc de Lorraine, le 24. Nouemb. 1643. [No title. Title on accompanying letterpress text]
Additional text:
[accompanying letterpress text gives an account of the action together with:] Liste des prisonniers de larmee Françoise & / Vveymaroise de Guebrian [and a key, 1-64, to the regiments:] Marche & Rang de bataille des Imperiaux, selon lOrdre des / schiffres & des lettres / Les Regiments d'infanterie. [and another key, A-I, K-R to the posts and quarters:] Remarques des Postes & Quartiers.
George III heading: Battle of Tuttlingen 24 Nov.r 1643.
Other annotations: (Recto) [top right, black pencil:] 1643. (Verso) text: [top left, obscured by backing paper, indistinct, black pencil or ink.]; [top left, black pencil, erased:] Tudlingen.
George III catalogue entry:
Tuttlingen Delineation et Relation d l’entiere defaite de l’Armée Francoise et Weymaroise pres de Tudlingen sur le Danube (par l’Armée Imperiale commandée par le Duc de Lorraine, le 24 Nov.re 1643.
Tuttlingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany (47°59ʹ05ʺN 08°49ʹ04ʺE)
Bibliographic reference(s)
M. McDonald, The Print Collection of Cassiano dal Pozzo. Part II, Architecture, Topography and Military Maps, 3 vols, London 2019, cat. no. 3145, 3146
Page revisions
25 May 2024
Current version