War of the Austrian Succession (1740-8)
Includes much of the mapping collected by William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, as Captain General of the British army
Map of encampment near Asse and Erembodegem, 1744 (Asse, Flanders, Belgium) 50°54'36"N 04°11'54"E; (Erembodegem, Flanders, Belgium) 50°55'08"N 04°03'01"E
1744 or laterPen, ink and watercolour on paper | Scale: 1:34,400 approx. | RCIN 729007.b
This is one of a set of six encampment maps of which the first one is missing (not present when catalogued in the early nineteenth century); see RCINs 729007.a-f. The accompaning journal (RCIN 729007.a) notes that 'Le 19 [May] l'Armee se mit en marche vers la petite Ville d'Asch, / defilant par la gauche, le plan marque N.o 2, servira d'un plus ample detail de la position de l'Armee.' and describes the activities of the camp up to 1 June.
The camp extended for a linear distance of about 11 km (6.8 miles). The principal roads and settlements are drawn and distinction is made between cultivated land (shown by 'squares' of brown hatching drawn at different angles to represent ploughed fields), woodland, and scrub areas to each side of the River Dender.
Additional text: [top right, below title, in title panel, a key, A-I, K-N, to the dispositions of the English, Dutch, Austrian and Hanoverian cavalry, infantry and artillery.]
Condition: no fold lines. Verso: induced discolouration.
Anonymous (cartographer)
Army-GBArmy-AustriaArmy-HollandArmy-Allied army (War of the Austrian Succession, 1740-48)Army-HanoverWatermark: Fleur-de-lys
Mark, stamped: 355
Condition: no fold lines. Verso: induced discolouration
Scale: 1:34,400 approx. Scale bar: [93 mm =] 4000 Schritt.
21.5 x 34.9 cm (image)
21.1 x 34.6 cm (neatline)
23.1 x 36.5 cm (sheet)
Manuscript title:
PLAN von der SITUATION / Und dem Lager der Alÿrten Armee zwieschen Assche und / Erembodeghem ... N.B. Die Lager formiret an 19tn Meÿ und Stundt bis 1t Junÿ. [top right, in rectangular panel]
Manuscript title:
No: 2.
Additional text:
[top right, below title, in title panel, a key, A-I, K-N, to the dispositions of the English, Dutch, Austrian and Hanoverian cavalry, infantry and artillery.]
George III heading: Encampments in the Netherlands 1744.
Other annotations: (Recto) [top left, black pencil, erased:] X/10-[?]. (Verso) [bottom right, red pencil:] 8/21 [the ‘21’ is crossed out in black pencil]; [bottom right, black pencil, erased:] IX.
George III catalogue entry:
Netherlands A Journal of the Campaign of 1744, with five Plans of the Encampments &.c of the Allied Army in the Netherlands. MS. [The same entry appears under the heading Encampment.]
Asse, Flanders, Belgium (50°54'36"N 04°11'54"E)
Erembodegem, Flanders, Belgium (50°55'08"N 04°03'01"E)
Page revisions
5 June 2024
Current version