War of the Austrian Succession (1740-8)
Includes much of the mapping collected by William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, as Captain General of the British army
Map of Prague, 1742 (Prague, Czech Republic) 50°05'16"N 14°25'14"E
published 1743Etching and engraving; printed on paper; hand-coloured | Scale: 1:7,000 appprox. | RCIN 728066
Insets: [right, a smaller-scale map of the attack on Prague.] Scale: 1:12,000 approx. Scale bar: 200 Toises [33 mm = 200]. Size: map and text: 42.4 x 17.0 cm (neatline).
Additional text: [bottom left, in German and French:] Kurzes Tag-Register von der / Belagerung PRAG. // Abregé du Siege de PRAG. [Bottom right, a key to the smaller-scale plan:] Legende De l'Attaque De la Defense. [bottom centre, a key, A-D, to the chronolgy of the siege and an explanation of the colouring:] Legende.
Condition: one central vertical fold line.
Sinsart (active 1741-3) (draughtsman) [bottom, right of centre, below scale bar:] Dessiné par Sinsart, Ingenieur François.
Perizot (active 1742-3) (draughtsman) [bottom right, below second scale bar:] Dessine par M.r Perizot Maitre des Desseins du Roi
Homann's Heirs (1724-1848) (publisher) [left:] Herausgegeben von Homænn. Erben / A. 1743; [right:] mise au jour par les Heritiers d'Homan l'An. 1743.
Army-FranceArmy-AustriaWatermark: A cartouche with the letters M L
Condition: one central vertical fold line
Scale: 1:7,000 appprox. Scale bar: 200 Toises [54 mm = 200].
42.4 x 49.6 cm (image and neatline of whole map)
42.3 x 32.2 cm (neatline of large-scale map and text)
44.0 x 51.4 cm (platemark)
51.7 x 60.3 cm (sheet)
Printed title:
Kriegs-Expedit. Karte in Böhmen III / Blat in welcher die Belagerung Prag A. 1742 / von den 28. Iul. bis 13. 7br. zuversichtlich vorge_ / stellet wird. [bottom left]
Printed title:
Carte des Expeditions de Guerre en Boheme, / III feuille, dans la quelle se voit le Plan d l' / Attaque et de la Defense de PRAG, l'an 1742 / depuis le 28 Iuillet jusqu'au 13me du mois 7br. [bottom right]
[right, a smaller-scale map of the attack on Prague.] Scale: 1:12,000 approx. Scale bar: 200 Toises [33 mm = 200]. Size: map and text: 42.4 x 17.0 cm (neatline).
Additional text:
Kurzes Tag-Register von der / Belagerung PRAG. // Abregé du Siege de PRAG. [bottom left, in German and French]; Legende De l'Attaque De la Defense [Bottom right, a key to the smaller-scale plan]; Legende. [bottom centre, a key, A-D, to the chronolgy of the siege and an explanation of the colouring]
George III heading: Prague 28 July - 13 Sept.r 1742.
Other annotations: (Recto) none. (Verso) [bottom right, black pencil:] 4.
George III catalogue entry:
Prague Deux Plans du Siege de Prag depuis le 28 Juillet jusqu'au 13 Septembre 1742: par Sinsart et Perizot, chez les Heretiers d'Homann, 1743.
Prague, Czech Republic (50°05'16"N 14°25'14"E)
Page revisions
3 November 2024
Current version