War of the Austrian Succession (1740-8)
Includes much of the mapping collected by William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, as Captain General of the British army
Map of Rhine and Breisach, 1743 (Breisach am Rhein, [Vieux-Brisach] Baden-Württemburg, Germany) 48°01'58"N 07°34'58"E
1743 or laterEngraving and etching; printed from two copperplates on two sheets of paper; subsequently trimmed along the right neatline of the left sheet and pasted together; hand-coloured | Scale: 1:70,500 approx. | RCIN 728113
This map shows the same details, and covers the same geographical extent as the map by Schultz at RCIN 728112.a. The operations are centred on Brisac Allemande (Breisach am Rhein or Vieux Breisach) and Brisac François (Neuf-Brisach, Alsace, France 48°01'04"N 07°31'40"E). The geographical coverage extends from Marckelsheim (Marckolsheim, Alsace, France 48°09'52"N 07°32'38"E) in the north, to Kirchen (Baden-Württemberg, Germany 47°39'00"N 07°34'00"E) in the south). It is possible that the ‘tres habile Ingenieur’ to which reference is made in the title as the source of this printed map, was George Augustus Schultz, although there is no evidence, so far, that he was an engineer.
Additional text: [down left and right sides of map, in rectangular panels, a key to the locations of the camps and the movements of the Allied and French armies, in Dutch:] Vytlegging [and] Vytlegging Can de Bewegingen der Franse. [Top left, in cartouche, the same key in French:] Explication [and] Explication des Mouvements Francois.
Condition: one fold line. Verso: induced discolouration; top, right of centre, shadow and fragment from the removal of Cumberland's cipher label.
? George Augustus Schultz (active 1734-49) (draughtsman)
Peter Schenk, the younger (1693-1775) (publisher) [top right, below title, in title cartouche:] Dessiné par un tres habile Ingenieur sur les Lieuz, pendant la Campagne, et se vend / a Amsterdam chè P. Schenk a l'entrée de la Rue nommée le Ness proche du Vygendam. // Geteekent door een Voornaem Ingenieur Gedurende Velttogt. / By P. Schenk, als meede het Sack Atlasje van den Rhyn Verbetert.
Army-FranceArmy-Allied army (War of the Austrian Succession, 1740-48)Watermark: None visible
Condition: one fold line. Verso: induced discolouration; top, right of centre, shadow and fragment from the removal of Cumberland's cipher label
Scale: 1:70,500 approx. Scale bar: Een Uur Gaans [109 mm =].
26.7 x 78.2 cm (neatline)
26.7 x 88.9 cm (image)
cropped (platemark)
30.4 x 92.5 cm (sheet)
Printed title:
Carte / des / Operations sur le Rhin / De l'Armée de Sa Majesté la Reine d'Hongrie et de Boheme Sous les Ordres de Son Altesse / le Prince Charles des Loraine et des Mouvements de celle de Frances faite en Conse = / quence de puis le 14. d'Aout jusqu'au ˰ 4 d'Octobr. 1743. // Kaart van de Operatien aan den Rhyn. / Van het Leger van Haare Majestyt de Koninginne van Hongaryen & Boheme, onder / het Commando van zyne Hoogheyd Pr. Karel van Lottaringen, & van de Be = / wegingen van het Fransse daar tegens gemaakt d'14. Aug. tot Oct. [top right, in cartouche representing a trompe l'oeil scroll, in French and Dutch]
Additional text:
Vytlegging [and] Vytlegging Can de Bewegingen der Franse. [down left and right sides of map, in rectangular panels, a key to the locations of the camps and the movements of the Allied and French armies, in Dutch]; Explication [and] Explication des Mouvements Francois. [Top left, in cartouche, the same key in French]
George III heading: Rhine 14 August - 4 Oct.r 1743
Other annotations: (Recto) none. (Verso) [top, left of centre, black pencil, cropped:] Rhine 174[3]; [bottom right, black pencil:] 8; [bottom right, over the ‘8’, ink:] A; [bottom, right of centre, black pencil, in Schultz's or Mason's hand?:] 25 [and] 15 [and] 41; [right centre, red pencil, in Schultz's or Mason's hand]: 25; [top right, black pencil, erased:] Rhine.
George III catalogue entry:
Rhine Carte des Operations sur le Rhin de l'Armée de S.M. la Reine d'Hongrie et de Boheme sous les ordres du Prince Charles de Lorraine, et des Mouvemens de celle de France faits en consequence depuis le 14 d'Aout jusqu'au 4 d'Oct.re 1743: chez Schenk. 2 feuilles.
Breisach am Rhein, [Vieux-Brisach] Baden-Württemburg, Germany (48°01'58"N 07°34'58"E)
Page revisions
3 November 2024
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