War of the Austrian Succession (1740-8)
Includes much of the mapping collected by William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, as Captain General of the British army
Map of Roermond, Hellenrouck and Nistelrode, 1748 (Roermond, Limburg, Netherlands) 51°11'39"N 05°59'15"E; (Hillenraed Castle, Limburg, Netherlands) 51°13'18"N 06°02'03"E; (Nistelrode, North Brabant, Netherlands) 51°42'15"N 05°33'45
c.1748Pencil, pen, ink and watercolour on two sheets of paper; joined; laid down on coarse linen | Scale: 1:63,100 approx. | RCIN 731023
It would appear that the dates on the map are given, according to the Julian Calendar, or Old Style, which was eleven days behind the Gregorian Calendar, or New Style, at this time, so that the march route of 1 May should read 12 May. This march of the Allied army crossed 75-80 km (46-50 miles) of country between 12 and 21 May 1748. The map shows the route with three columns passing over the three pontoon bridges across the Meuse which are shown on the encampment plans for Hellenrouck (RCINs 731009-731015). It contains similar information to RCIN 731022.
Another copy of this map, also by Daniel Paterson, is at RCIN 731024.
Condition: three fold lines. Verso: induced discolouration; brown discolouration.
Daniel Paterson (d. 1749) (surveyor and draughtsman) [top left, below title:] by D. Paterson Engineer.
Army-Allied army (War of the Austrian Succession, 1740-48)Watermark: None visible; obscured by linen backing
Mark, stamped: 735
Condition: three fold lines. Verso: induced discolouration; brown discolouration
Scale: 1:63,100 approx. Scale bar: Scale of Leagues 20 to a Degree [153 mm =] 6 miles
43.5 x 139.1 cm (neatline)
43.9 x 139.3 cm (image)
44.3 x 139.4 cm (sheet)
Manuscript title:
THE MARCH / of the / ALLIED ARMY / from / ROERMONDE to NISTELROY / with their different Encampments in the / Months of Aprile, May & june 1748. [top left, in rococo cartouche]
George III heading: [verso, on white paper strip pasted to linen backing:] March and Encampments from Hellenrouck to Nistelroy 12-21 May 1748.
Other inscriptions: (Recto) none. (Verso) [top, left of centre, red pencil crossed out in black pencil:] 12/13 [top, left of centre, black pencil:] XIV/16; [top, right of centre, ink, crossed out and obscured by white paper strip:] March Routes; [top right, obscured by white paper strip, ink:] Flanders; [bottom right, obscured by white paper strip, partly legible:] March from R[…].
George III catalogue entry:
March A drawn Map of the March of the Allied Army from Hellenrouck near Roermonde to Nistelroy; with their different Encampments in the months of April, May and June 1748: by D. Paterson Eng.r 2 sheets. [The same entry appears under the heading Encampment and Nistelroy.]
Roermond, Limburg, Netherlands (51°11'39"N 05°59'15"E)
Hillenraed Castle, Limburg, Netherlands (51°13'18"N 06°02'03"E)
Nistelrode, North Brabant, Netherlands (51°42'15"N 05°33'45)
Page revisions
25 May 2024
Current version