War of the Austrian Succession (1740-8)
Includes much of the mapping collected by William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, as Captain General of the British army
Map of the Battle of Fontenoy, 1745 (Fontenoy, Walloon Region, Belgium) 50°34'03"N 03°28'24"E
1745 or laterEtching and engraving; letterpress text printed on the same sheet of paper; hand-coloured | Scale: 1:15,000 approx. | RCIN 729104.a
A detailed map showing the different stages of the battle, the surrounding settlements, the bridge at Calonne which was fortified by the French as a potential retreat route, the part of the Bois de Barry which had been felled for defensive purpose, and the hollow roads that were used by both sides as fortified positions. French cavalry squadrons are shown in red, dragoons in green, and infantry in blue. The cavalry of the Allied army is coloured in violet and the infantry in yellow.
Dedication: Dédié au Roy par son très humble très obeisant Serviteur et fidele sujet de Beaurain Géographe Ordinaire de sa Majesté.
Additional text: [left, down left side of map in rectangular panel, a key, 1-28, to the names of the French infantry brigades and battalions; letterpress:] EXPLICATIONS [right, down right side of map in rectangular panel, a key, 29-65, to the names of the French cavalry brigades and squadrons and to the troops which arrived at the end of the battle and another key, A-I, to the troops of the Allied army:] EXPLICATIONS. [bottom right, in rectangular panel, a key to the symbols and colours used to distinguish the squadrons of horse and dragoons, and battalions of infantry of both armies:] Remarques.
A printed account of the battle, in French, is at RCIN 729104.b.
Condition: one fold line; bottom centre, small hole. Verso: bottom, right of centre, water-stained patch, shadow and ghosting from the removal of Cumberland's cipher label: VOL. VI / 16.
Jean de Beaurain (1696-1771) (publisher) [bottom left, below edge of border:] AParis chez M. de Beaurain Géographe ordinaire du Roy au Coin de la ruë pavée et du Quay des Augustins.
l'Abbé (active 1745) (surveyor and draughtsman) [bottom right, below scale bar:] Le terrain du Plan cy joint a été dessiné et levé / sur les Lieux par M.r l'Abbé aide de Camp de M.gr le Prince de Soubise. L'Ordre et la disposition de l'Armée / des Alliés avec des nottes sur les explications, sont du S.r de Beaurain.
Army-FranceArmy-Allied army (War of the Austrian Succession, 1740-48)Watermark: Indistinct: name in a rounded end rectangle [B heart VIMAL] and a bunch of grapes
Condition: one fold line; bottom centre, small hole. Verso: bottom, right of centre, water-stained patch, shadow and ghosting from the removal of Cumberland's cipher label: VOL. VI / 16
Scale: 1:15,000 approx. Scale bar: Echelle de 600 Toises [78 mm =].
37.5 x 49.2 cm (image)
38.8 x 51.0 cm (platemark)
31.5 x 34.1 cm (neatline)
39.6 x 54.0 cm (sheet)
Printed title:
PLAN DE LA BATAILLE DE FONTENOY REMPORTÉE LE XI. MAY. M.DCC.XLV. / PAR L'ARMÉE FRANÇOISE COMMANDÉE PAR LE ROY. / Sur Celle des Alliez sous les Ordres du Duc de Cumberland. [top, above map, in rectangular panel, to each side of the arms of France]
Dédié au Roy par son très humble très obeisant Serviteur et fidele sujet de Beaurain Géographe Ordinaire de sa Majesté.
Additional text:
EXPLICATIONS [left, down left side of map in rectangular panel, a key, 1-28, to the names of the French infantry brigades and battalions; letterpress]; EXPLICATIONS. [right, down right side of map in rectangular panel, a key, 29-65, to the names of the French cavalry brigades and squadrons and to the troops which arrived at the end of the battle and another key, A-I, to the troops of the Allied army]; Remarques. [bottom right, in rectangular panel, a key to the symbols and colours used to distinguish the squadrons of horse and dragoons, and battalions of infantry of both armies]
George III heading: Battle of Fontenoy 11 May 1745.
Other annotations: (Recto) none. (Verso) [bottom, left of centre, black pencil, in Mason's hand?:] 16; [top right, black pencil:] 40; [right centre, red pencil:] 16; [top right, black pencil, erased:] 1745.
George III catalogue entry:
Fontenoy Plan de la Bataille de Fontenoy, remportée le 11 Mai 1745, par l'Armée Francoise commandée par le Roy, sur celle des Alliés sous le Duc de Cumberland: par De Beaurain: avec une Relation de la Bataille, 1745. 4.to
Fontenoy, Walloon Region, Belgium (50°34'03"N 03°28'24"E)
Page revisions
6 June 2024
Current version