War of the Austrian Succession (1740-8)
Includes much of the mapping collected by William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, as Captain General of the British army
Map of the Battle of Fontenoy, 1745 (Fontenoy, Walloon Region, Belgium) 50°34'03"N 03°28'24"E
published 1745Etching and letterpress text printed on same sheet of paper | Scale: not stated. 1:17,700 approx. | RCIN 729108
A plan showing the early stages of the battle and the French fire to which the Allies were exposed. The battery on the west bank of the Scheldt opposite Antoing is not shown. This is more crude and less accurate than Husson's other plans (RCINs 729061.b and 729107), which were based on Hancko's work and may pre-date them.
Additional text: [bottom, below map, in French and Dutch, in two columns, a key, A-I, K-S, 1-7, to the geographical features and troop dispositions:] EXPLICATION. // VERKLARING.
Condition: four fold lines; small tear to left edge; trimmed.
Jean Martin Husson (active 1739-46) (publisher) [bottom centre, below text, letterpress:] A la Haye, chez JEAN MARTIN HUSSON, 1745
Ernst Ludwig Creite (1728-65) (etcher) [bottom right, above neatline:] Creite fe:.
Army-FranceArmy-GBArmy-AustriaArmy-DutchArmy-HanoverArmy-Allied army (War of the Austrian Succession, 1740-48)Watermark: Fleur-de-lys in shield, crown above, the name C & I HONIG below; countermark: the letters GR with a crown above
Condition: four fold lines; small tear to left edge; trimmed
Scale: not stated. 1:17,700 approx.
26.6 x 30.7 cm (image and neatline of map)
29.0 x 34.9 cm (platemark; top cropped?)
49.2 x 34.7 cm (image of whole sheet)
51.9 x 36.8 cm (sheet)
Printed title:
PLAN de l'Action de Fontenoy près de Tournay, entre l'Armée / des Alliez, & celle de la France, le 11 Mai 1745. // PLAAN van de Actie voorgevallen tusschen de Geallieerde Armée, / en die der Fransen, te Fontenoy by Doornick, den 11 May 1745. [bottom, below map, in French and Dutch in two columns, letterpress]
Additional text:
EXPLICATION. // VERKLARING [bottom, below map, in French and Dutch, in two columns, a key, A-I, K-S, 1-7, to the geographical features and troop dispositions]
George III heading: Battle of Fontenoy 11 May 1745.
Other annotations: (Recto) none. (Verso) [bottom left, red pencil:] 9/34; [bottom left, black pencil, cropped:] X/5[?]; [bottom right, red pencil, cropped:] 17.
George III catalogue entry:
Fontenoy Plan de l'Action de Fontenoy pres de Tournay entre l'Armée des Alliés et celle de la France, le 11 Mai 1745: chez Husson.
Fontenoy, Walloon Region, Belgium (50°34'03"N 03°28'24"E)
Page revisions
3 November 2024
Current version