War of the Austrian Succession (1740-8)
Includes much of the mapping collected by William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, as Captain General of the British army
Map of the Battle of Fontenoy, 1745 (Fontenoy, Walloon Region, Belgium) 50°34'03"N 03°28'24"E
c.1751Etching and engraving; printed on paper; hand-coloured | Scale: 1:29,400 approx. | RCIN 729105
The date of 1751 has been suggested for publication because that was the year in which the dedicatee, Marc-Pierre de Voyer de Paulmy, comte d'Argenson, received the Ordre royal et militaire de Saint-Louis which forms a prominent feature of the dedication cartouche. Panckoucke died in July 1753, giving a terminus ante quem to the publication date. It is possible that it was published in honour of the Count's decoration. He was, at the time of the battle, sécrétaire d'État de la Guerre.
The map shows the first stages of the battle, when the British and Hanoverian troops were being raked by fire from the batteries of Eu and Fontenoy, before they had formed into a square on advancing through the gap between Fontenoy and the Bois de Barry. It also shows the Dutch being almost decimated by the fire from the battery on the west side of the Scheldt, as well as those from Antoing and between Antoing and Fontenoy.
Dedication: [bottom left in cartouche representing draped material above which are the arms of Marc-Pierre de Voyer de Paulmy, comte d'Argenson (1696-1764), surmounted by a crown supporting a lion passant guardant holding in his right paw a sword, and in his left an open book, the whole laid down on a maltese cross representing the grand-croix de l'ordre royal et militaire de Saint-Louis:] DEDIÉ ET PRESENTÉE / A Monseigneur D argenson / Ministre Secretaire d'Estat de la Guerre / Chancelier Commandeur de l'Ordre Militaire / de S.t Louis et sur intēdant Général des Postes et Relais de France / Par ses tres Humbles et tres Obeißant / Serviteurs Bailleul le jeune Géographe / et Pankouke Libraire.
Additional text: [top centre, a note that the Regiment Grassin had distinguished itself before, during, and after the battle:] Le Regiment de Graßin s'est distingué / avant l'action, pendant l'action, apres l'action. [top right, below title, in title panel, a key, A-I, K-T, V, X-Z, to named French regiments.
For further reading, see:
Y. Combeau, Le comte d’Argenson (1696-1764), ministre de Louis XV, Paris, 1999, Mémoires et documents de l’Ecole des chartes, 55.
Condition: one fold line. Verso: induced discolouration; bottom right, water-stained patch from the removal of Cumberland's cipher label - any shadow or ghosting has been trimmed off. This was evidently a much larger sheet from which a considerable amount was trimmed, probably during the late eighteenth or early nineteenth centuries.
André Joseph Panckoucke (1703-53) (publisher) [bottom centre, below edge of border:] AParis chez Bailleul le jeune rue S.t Sevrin au Soleil d'Or, Et a Lille chez Panckouke Libraire
R Morel (active 1745) (draughtsman and engraver) [bottom left, above neatline:] R. Morel Inv. et Sculp.
Bailleul le Jeune: rue St Sevrin au Soleil d'Or, Paris (Gaspard Bailleul le Jeune (c.1697-d.21 March 1754)) (publisher)
Marc-Pierre de Voyer de Paulmy, comte d'Argenson (1696-1764) (dedicatee)
Army-FranceArmy-Dutch-CavalryArmy-Dutch-InfantryArmy-Allied army (War of the Austrian Succession, 1740-48)Army-GB-Infantry RegimentsArmy-GB-Cavalry RegimentsWatermark: Fleur-de-lys; countermark: IV
Condition: one fold line. Verso: induced discolouration; bottom right, water-stained patch from the removal of Cumberland's cipher label - any shadow or ghosting has been trimmed off. This was evidently a much larger sheet from which a considerable amount was trimmed, probably during the late eighteenth or early nineteenth centuries
Scale: 1:29,400 approx. Scale bar: Echelle de 800 Toises [53 mm =].
33.5 x 29.7 cm (image)
33.7 x 29.8 cm (platemark)
32.5 x 29.3 cm (neatline)
36.3 x 33.8 cm (sheet)
Printed title:
BATAILLE DE FONTENOY / Gagné par les Troupes du Roy / Le 11 May 1745. [top right, in rectangular panel]
DEDIÉ ET PRESENTÉE / A Monseigneur D argenson / Ministre Secretaire d'Estat de la Guerre / Chancelier Commandeur de l'Ordre Militaire / de S.t Louis et sur intēdant Général des Postes et Relais de France / Par ses tres Humbles et tres Obeißant / Serviteurs Bailleul le jeune Géographe / et Pankouke Libraire. [bottom left in cartouche representing draped material above which are the arms of Marc-Pierre de Voyer de Paulmy, comte d'Argenson (1696-1764), surmounted by a crown supporting a lion passant guardant holding in his right paw a sword, and in his left an open book, the whole laid down on a maltese cross representing the grand-croix de l'ordre royal et militaire de Saint-Louis]
Additional text:
Le Regiment de Graßin s'est distingué / avant l'action, pendant l'action, apres l'action. [top centre, a note that the Regiment Grassin had distinguished itself before, during, and after the battle]; [top right, below title, in title panel, a key, A-I, K-T, V, X-Z, to named French regiments.
George III heading: Battle of Fontenoy 11 May 1745.
Other annotations: (Recto) [top right, black pencil, cropped:] [42?]. (Verso) [centre, red pencil:] 18.
George III catalogue entry:
Fontenoy Plan de la Bataille de Fontenoy gagnée par les troupes du Roy le 11 Mai 1745: chez Bailleul et Pankouke.
Fontenoy, Walloon Region, Belgium (50°34'03"N 03°28'24"E)
Bibliographic reference(s)
Y. Combeau, Le comte d’Argenson (1696-1764), ministre de Louis XV, Mémoires et documents de l’Ecole des chartes, 55, Paris, 1999
Page revisions
3 November 2024
Current version