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War of the Austrian Succession (1740-8)

Includes much of the mapping collected by William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, as Captain General of the British army


Map of the Battle of Raucoux, 1746 (Rocourt, Walloon Region, Belgium) 50°40'32"N 05°32'46"E

1746 or later

Pen, ink and watercolour on two sheets of paper, joined; laid down on linen | Scale: 1:34,700 approx. | RCIN 730074

A map of the encampments of the Allied army on 7 October and the Battle of Raucoux fought on 11 October 1746 between the French army, commanded by Marshal Maurice de Saxe (1696-1750) and the Allied army commanded by Charles of Lorraine (1712-80), General John Ligonier (1680-1770) and Karl August, Prince of Waldeck (1704-63), resulting in a French victory. War of the Austrian Succession (1740-48). Oriented with west-north-west to top (compass rose).

The area covered extends for a distance of about 14 km from Fauxbourg St Gilles (50°37'41"N 05°32'44"E), Ance (Ans 50°39'44"N 05°31'13"E), and Aleur (Alleur 50°40'28"N 05°30'47"E) in the south to Sleus (Sluizen 50°45'54"N 05°31'52"E), Glaen (Glons 50°45'11"N 05°32'44"E), Else (Elst 50°46'06"N 05°33'29"E), Büerien (Boirs 50°45'10"N 05°34'45"E), Röekling (Roclenge-Sur-Geer 50°45'24"N 05°35'40"E), and Baisenie (Bassenge 50°45'31"N 05°36'35"E) in the north; also from Péve (Paifve 50°43'41"N 05°31'24"E) in the west to Oupey (Oupeye 50°42'42"N 05°38'48"E), in the east, a distance of about 11 km.

The topographical detail of the map, which includes indications of even slight variations in elevation and numerous roads would appear to be taken from a ground reconnaissance. The tentative attribution to Treu is made on stylistic grounds.

Additional text: [right, in three columns, occupying almost half of the sheet, a key, A-H, J-Z, to the letters on the map, giving a detailed account of the Battle of Raucoux:] RENVOY / C’étoit le 7me Octobre, quand l’Armée / Alliée decampa des Environs de Herderen / vis-à-vis du Camp Ennemi à Tongres, / et passant la Géere à Glaen, que nôtre Arriére- / Garde, Sous les Ordres du Lieutnt General / de Druchtleben fut attaquée et canonée / du Côté de Péve, par un Corps ennemi détaché, / alors êtoit [followed by the key].

Condition: four fold lines; trimmed. Verso: foxing; bottom, left of centre, water-stained patch, shadow, and fragment from the removal of Cumberland's cipher label.
  • ? JC Treu (active 1745) (draughtsman)


    Army-Allied army (War of the Austrian Succession, 1740-48)
  • Watermark: Fleur-de-lys; countermark: IV

    Mark, stamped: 568

    Condition: four fold lines; trimmed. Verso: foxing; bottom, left of centre, water-stained patch, shadow, and fragment from the removal of Cumberland's cipher label

  • Scale: 1:34,700 approx. Scale bar: [117 mm =] 5000 Pas.

    26.0 x 69.6 cm (neatline)

    26.9 x 70.4 cm (image)

    28.9 x 72.8 cm (sheet)

  • Manuscript title:

    PLAN / De l’Action qui s’est donnée le 11me. d’Octobre 1746, entre / les Hauts=Alliés et les François près de Liége / DE MÊME, / Du Camp de l’Armée Alliée, qu’elle occupa le 7me du dit Mois. / avec les Environs. [top left, in rectangular panel]

    Additional text:

    [right, in three columns, occupying almost half of the sheet, a key, A-H, J-Z, to the letters on the map, giving a detailed account of the Battle of Raucoux:] RENVOY / C’étoit le 7me Octobre, quand l’Armée / Alliée decampa des Environs de Herderen / vis-à-vis du Camp Ennemi à Tongres, / et passant la Géere à Glaen, que nôtre Arriére- / Garde, Sous les Ordres du Lieutnt General / de Druchtleben fut attaquée et canonée / du Côté de Péve, par un Corps ennemi détaché, / alors êtoit [followed by the key].


    George III heading: [on white paper strip on verso:] Battle of Raucoux 11 Oct.r 1746.

    Other annotations: (Recto) [top right, black pencil, in Schultz's hand?]: 76; [bottom right, black pencil:] 76. (Verso) [bottom left, ink, crossed out in red pencil:] Raucoux; [left centre, red pencil:] 51; [top right, ink, in Schultz's hand?, obscured by linen:] Raucoux C.c.1; [bottom right, black pencil, obscured by linen:] 76; [bottom right, black pencil:] 76; [bottom, right of centre, black pencil:] 51.

    George III catalogue entry:

    Raucoux Plan dessiné de l’Action qui s’est donnée le 11 Octobre 1746 entre les Hauts Alliées et les Francois a Raucoux pres de Liege, de meme du Camp de l’Armée Alliée qu’elle occupa le 7 du dit mois avec les Environs.

  • Subject(s)

    Rocourt (Walloon Region, Belgium) 50°40'32"N 05°32'46"E

Page revisions

  • 24 July 2024