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War of the Austrian Succession (1740-8)

Includes much of the mapping collected by William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, as Captain General of the British army


Map of the Netherlands, 1744-6

1743-4; re-issued 1746

Engraving and etching; printed on paper; hand-coloured | Scale: 1:110,000 approx. | RCIN 729002

A set of 12 out of 15 sheets of Crepy's or Covens and Mortier's revision (1743-4), on different sheetlines, of Fricx's Carte des Pays Bas et des frontières de France (Brussels, 1703-12). War of the Austrian Succession (1740-48). Oriented with north to top.

This map has been used as a base map on which the engineer François Hancko has superimposed in manuscript the encampments of the Allied army for the years 1744-6. It is one of ten incomplete sets, with varying sheet numbers, of the reissues and revised republications of Fricx's map by Crepy or Covens and Mortier in the 1740s. The other sets are at RCINs 729004, 729060, 729061, 729063, 729064, 730002, 730003, 730083, 730084.

The relationship between the sheetlines of Crepy's map, and Fricx's map from which it is derived, is illustrated in Lemoine-Isabeau 1984, pp.86-7.

It is probable that the annotation 'Milord Crawfurd' on the verso of the map refers to Lieutenant-General John Lindsay, 20th Earl of Crawford (1702-49) who was at the Flanders campaigns from 1744 to 1746. He was also at the Battle of Dettingen (27 June 1743). He was himself a talented cartographer, and examples of his work are at RCINs 728017, 728020 and 728021. It is possible that he had been instrumental in the acquisition of this map for Cumberland.

The map is printed from 12 copperplates on 12 sheets of paper; the 12 sheets are trimmed to the neatline on the contiguous edges and mounted on three pieces of coarse linen stitched together, giving the appearance of a dissected map.

  • Eugène Henri Fricx (1644-1730) (cartographer and publisher) [Imprint on sheet 1, not present in this set:] Dressée sur les Mémoires de Eugène Henry Friex at augmenté sur les observations les plus nouvelles, à Paris chez Crepy, rue S. Jacques ... 1744.

    Etienne Louis Crepy (c.1700-59) (mapseller and publisher)

    François Hancko (active 1741-8) (cartographer) [bottom right, at bottom of manuscript title, black ink:] Fait par Hancko Ingenieur au Servis de Sa Majesté Britanique.


    Great Britain
    Army-Allied army (War of the Austrian Succession, 1740-48)
  • Watermark: Maltese cross in a chaplet, some letters below?

    Condition: surface dirt along left edge; cut to edge of image. Verso: brown discolouration; heavy surface dirt along right edge, consistent with the map having been rolled

  • Scale: 1:110,000 approx.

    142.6 x 252.9 cm (image and sheet, including canvas gussets)

  • Printed title:

    Title on sheet 1, not present in this set: [Carte des provinces des Pay Bas en 15 feuilles Contenant les Comtés de Flandre, de Hainaut, de Cambresis ...]. [Comprises sheets 2-5, 7-10, 12-15.]

    Manuscript title:

    (Recto) [A manuscript title on a paper label pasted to the map, red ink, in Hancko's hand:] Carte avec toutes les campements de L'Armeé des Allieé / sous le comandement du Marchall Wade l'An[n]eé 1744 / et sous le comandement de S:A:R: Monseigneur Le Duc / de Cumberland, L'Année 1745: avec la Battaille / de Fontenoÿ / et sous le comandement de S:A:R: Duc charles de / Lorraine L'Aneé 1746: avec la Battaille de Raucoux / L’on peut distinguer les Nations par les couleurs Les Anglois / en Rouge les Han[n]overiens en jaune Les Hessois en pail bleu / Les Autriche en Verd. Les Hollandois en Orange Les François / en bleu. O: marque du quartier General / Toutes les Retranchement et Batterie sont en Rouge / et repasséz avec le jaune. / Les campements sont distinguéz par les chiffres et / dattes. les chiffres sont mise ou L’Armeé a fait le Front.


    George III heading: [black pencil] IX/2 Military.

    Other annotations:  (Verso) [top left centre, red pencil:] 8/51 [the ‘1’ is crossed out]; [top left centre, black pencil:] IX/54; [top, left of centre, ink, crossed out in red:] Theatre; [top, left of centre, ink:] Milord Crawfurd; [bottom left centre, ink, crossed out in red:] Flandres; [bottom left centre, red pencil, crossed out in red:] 1745-6; [bottom left centre edge, black pencil:] [?] N [?6]; [bottom left centre edge, blue biro and red ink on 1980s red-printed Royal Library label:] IX 2 Flanders: 1744 Theatre of War 1744.

    K. Mil. Dummy sheet:

    Title [ink:] 12 Sheets of Crepy's Edition of Friex's Map of the Netherlands; with the Encampments of the Army / of the Allies, under the command of Marshal Wade in 1744; and under the command of the Duke / of Cumberland in 1745, with the Battle of Fontenoy; and under the command of Prince Charles / of Lorraine in 1746, with the Battle of Raucoux; by Hancko MS. / [ink:] A Roll ....... [Pencil:] 1 Table 2.d [annotated in black pencil in a modern hand:] Oversize. / [George III heading, red ink:] Encampments in the Netherlands 1744-46 [a contemporary pencilled note after the George III heading:] Other copies of this Map Geography CII/[?41].
    Watermark: BUDGEN & WILMOTT 1810.
    Size: 46.9 x 32.5 cm (sheet).

    George III catalogue entry:

    Netherlands 12 sheets of Crepy's Edition of Friex's Map of the Netherlands: with the Encampments of the Army of the Allies under the command of Marshal Wade in 1744; and under the command of the Duke of Cumberland in 1745, with the Battle of Fontenoy; and under the command of Prince Charles of Lorraine in 1746, with the Battle of Raucoux; by Hancko. MS. [The same entry appears under the heading Encampment.]

  • Subject(s)

    ​Fontenoy [Belgium]

  • Bibliographic reference(s)

    C. Lemoine-Isabeau, Les militaires et la cartographie des Pays-Bas méridionaux et de la Principauté de Liège à la fin du XVIIe et au XVIIIe siècle, Brussels, 1984

Page revisions

  • 3 November 2024