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War of the Austrian Succession (1740-8)

Includes much of the mapping collected by William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, as Captain General of the British army

P.S. LALAU (ACTIVE 1746-83)

Map of the siege of Brussels, 1746 (Brussels, Brussels Capital Region, Belgium) 50°51'01"N 04°20'55"E


Engraving and etching; letterpress text and copperplate-printed map on same sheet of paper | Scale: 1:21,300 approx. | RCIN 730011

A map of the siege of Brussels by the French, 2-20 February 1746. War of the Austrian Succession (1740-48). Oriented with south-west to top.

The siegeworks are shown on the north-east side of Brussels between the town and Scarbeck/Scaebecke (Schaarbeek 50°52'09"N 04°22'38"E). The lines of fire from the French batteries to the breaches made by them in the walls are shown.

Additional text: [one column of letterpress text to each side of map; left column begins:] CEtte Ville fut entierement investie le 2. Février 1746 …[Right column begins: couronne-] ment de cette partie, & le ziquezaque que l’on fit en avant …[Bottom of right column, a short key to the map:] REMARQUES.

Condition: no fold lines, trimmed. Verso: induced discolouration; slight offsetting from another copy of this map; top left, water-stained patch, shadow and ghosting from the removal of Cumberland's cipher label.
  • P.S. Lalau (active 1746-83) (printer) [bottom, letterpress text below map:] S’Imprime & se Vend à Lille, chez P. S. LALAU, sur la Petite Place.


  • Watermark: Strasburg bend and lily

    Condition: no fold lines, trimmed. Verso: induced discolouration; slight offsetting from another copy of this map; top left, water-stained patch, shadow and ghosting from the removal of Cumberland's cipher label

  • Scale: 1:21,300 approx. Scale bar: [64 mm =] 700 Toises.

    24.6 x 43.0 cm (image)

    21.7 x 26.3 cm (platemark)

    20.7 x 25.2 cm (neatline)

    20.9 x 25.4 cm (image of map)

    27.4 x 45.4 cm (sheet)

  • Printed title:

    PLAN DES ATTAQUES DE LA VILLE DE BRUXELLES. [top, letterpress text above engraved map]

    Additional text:

    [one column of letterpress text to each side of map; left column begins:] CEtte Ville fut entierement investie le 2. Février 1746 …; [Right column begins: couronne-] ment de cette partie, & le ziquezaque que l’on fit en avant …; REMARQUES. [Bottom of right column, a short key to the map]


    George III heading: Brussels 2-20 Feb.y 1746.

    Other annotations: (Recto) [top left, black pencil:] 66. (Verso) [bottom left, black pencil, cropped:] 110 [or ‘11’; ‘100’ underneath?]; [bottom left, black pencil:] 41; [bottom right, black pencil] B[ruxelles; [centre, red pencil]: 41.

    George III catalogue entry:

    Brussels Plan des Attaques de la Ville de Bruxelles, investie par les François le 2 et prise le 20 Fevrier 1746: chez Lalau.

  • Subject(s)

    Brussels (Brussels Capital Region, Belgium) 50°51'01"N 04°20'55"E​

Page revisions

  • 3 November 2024