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War of the Austrian Succession (1740-8)

Includes much of the mapping collected by William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, as Captain General of the British army

HOMANN'S HEIRS (1724-1848)

Maps of Mirandola, Modena and Bologna, 1743 (Mirandola, Emilia-Romagna, Italy) 44°53'12"N 11°03'58"E; (Modena, Emilia-Romagna, Italy) 44°38'52"N 10°55'31"E; (Bologna, Emilia-Romagna, Italy) 44°29'37"N 11°20'19"E


Etching and engraving; printed from two copperplates on one sheet of paper; hand-coloured | 47.3 x 56.1 cm (image) | RCIN 728070

Four maps illustrating the opening moves in the conflict between the Austrian Habsburgs and the Spanish Bourbons which took place in Italy in 1742 and 1743. War of the Austrian Succession (1740-48).

The Austrians, allied with Piedmont-Sardinia, commanded by Field Marshal Count Traun, were superior to the Spanish forces under the Duke of Montemar, and successfully besieged Modena which capitulated on 29 May, and defeated the Spaniards at the Panaro River. The maps show basic details of the fortifications and surrounding countryside, and the varying positions of the troops in battle, siege, and camp. Regiments are named.

Additional text: each plan has explanatory text in the title panels:
(1) Title: Pianta. dell'Assedio della Citta del- / la di Modena, con una breve Deserizzione / di questo, fatto a di [blank space] del mese [blank space] l'Anno 1742
Scale: 1:22,000 approx. Modena: scale bar 3000 Passi [111 mm =] 3000.
Size: 19.4 x 17.8 cm (neatline).

(2) Title: Plan der Schlacht d. 8. Febr. 1743. / an Campo Santo beym Panaro fl. zwischē / der Ungar-Sardin. unterm Comando des / Hn Gr. v. Traun und der Spanischen / Armee unterm Gen. Ct de Gages.
Scale not stated.
Size: map: 19.5 x 28.0 cm (neatline); map and text: 19.5 x 37.5 (neatline).

(3) Title: Quartiere preso sul BOLOGNESE / dall' Armata di S.M. Catolica / sotto il Comando di il Sig.r / Gener. Gage il di 14 Octobr. 1742
Scale: 1:61,000 approx. Scale bar: Scala di Migli. 2 Italiane [61 mm =].
Size 23.7 x 27.3 cm (neatline).

(4) Title: Relation / der Belagerung von / MIRANDOLA.
Scale: 1:12,000 approx. Scale bar: Scala di Passi Geometrici 600 [77 mm =].
Size: 23.7 x 28.0 cm (neatline).

Condition: one central vertical fold line; bottom centre, water-stained patch from the removal of Cumberland's cipher label; ghosting of the circular device of the label is visible.
  • Homann's Heirs (1724-1848) (cartographer and publisher) [top, following on from general title:] Heraus gegeben von Homænnischen Erben, / M. Apr. 1743. Mit Kæsl. allergn. Privil. // Mise au jour par les Heritiers d' Homan. l'An 1743. / Avec Privil. Imperial.


  • Watermark: A ‘4’ above a shield

    Condition: one central vertical fold line; bottom centre, water-stained patch from the removal of Cumberland's cipher label; ghosting of the circular device of the label is visible

  • 47.3 x 56.1 cm (image)

    24.3 x 57.3 cm (platemark)

    52.6 x 62.4 cm (sheet)

  • Printed title:

    Kriegs-Expeditions-Karte in ITALIEN A, 1742 u.1743 zwischen der Oesterreichisch - / Sardinischen und Spanischen Armee, darinnen die Belagerungen von Mirandola, u. Modena, / ingleichen das Span. Camp. bey Bologna, und die Action beym Panaro fl. an Campo Santo / zuversichtlichen Nachrichten gemæs vorgestellet werden. // Carte des Expeditions de Guerre en ITALIE l'An 1742 et 1743 entre les Autri - / chiens & leur Allié & entre les Espagnols, qui represente les Sieges de Mirandole & / de Modene, de meme que le campém. des Espagnols pres de Bologne & l'Action sur la / riviere de Panaro. [top, general title, in German and French]

    Additional text:

    Each plan has explanatory text in the title panels:

    (1) Title: Pianta. dell'Assedio della Citta del- / la di Modena, con una breve Deserizzione / di questo, fatto a di [blank space] del mese [blank space] l'Anno 1742
    Scale: 1:22,000 approx. Modena: scale bar 3000 Passi [111 mm =] 3000.
    Size: 19.4 x 17.8 cm (neatline).

    (2) Title: Plan der Schlacht d. 8. Febr. 1743. / an Campo Santo beym Panaro fl. zwischē / der Ungar-Sardin. unterm Comando des / Hn Gr. v. Traun und der Spanischen / Armee unterm Gen. Ct de Gages.
    Scale not stated.
    Size: map: 19.5 x 28.0 cm (neatline); map and text: 19.5 x 37.5 (neatline).

    (3) Title: Quartiere preso sul BOLOGNESE / dall' Armata di S.M. Catolica / sotto il Comando di il Sig.r / Gener. Gage il di 14 Octobr. 1742
    Scale: 1:61,000 approx. Scale bar: Scala di Migli. 2 Italiane [61 mm =].
    Size 23.7 x 27.3 cm (neatline).

    (4) Title: Relation / der Belagerung von / MIRANDOLA.
    Scale: 1:12,000 approx. Scale bar: Scala di Passi Geometrici 600 [77 mm =].
    Size: 23.7 x 28.0 cm (neatline).


    George III heading: Mirandola July 1742 Modena ..... 1742 Encampment near Bologna 14 Oct 1742 Battle of Campo Santo 8 Feb.y 1743.

    Other annotations: (Recto) [bottom right at the corner of the platemark:] the number ‘6’ appears to be blind stamped into the paper. (Verso) [bottom centre, black pencil:] 49; [right centre, red pencil:] 49; [bottom right, black pencil:] 14; [bottom, centre, red pencil:] 7/44.

    George III catalogue entry:

    Mirandola Carte des Expeditions de Guerre en Italie l'an 1742 et 1743 entre les Autrichiens et leur Allié et les Espagnols, qui represente les Sieges de Mirandole et de Modene, de meme que le Campement des Espagnols pres de Bologne et l'Action (de Campo Santo) sur la Riviere de Panaro: chez les Heretiers d'Homann, 1743.

  • Subject(s)

    Mirandola, Emilia-Romagna, Italy (44°53'12"N 11°03'58"E)

    Modena, Emilia-Romagna, Italy (44°38'52"N 10°55'31"E)

    Bologna, Emilia-Romagna, Italy (44°29'37"N 11°20'19"E)

Page revisions

  • 3 November 2024