War of the Austrian Succession (1740-8)
Includes much of the mapping collected by William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, as Captain General of the British army
Order of battle, 1747, Low Countries
Ordre de Battaille / de L'Armeé Allieé aux Pais Bas Sous les Ordres de S:A: Royale Monseigneur Le Duc de Cumberland en Chef. L'an 1747
c.1747Pencil, pen, ink and watercolour on paper; pricking through | 37.7 x 51.9 cm (image) | RCIN 730089
An order of battle of the Allied army under the command of the Duke of Cumberland in the Low Countries, 1747. War of the Austrian Succession (1740-48).
The attribution to Hancko is made on stylistic grounds. Imperial troops are coloured in green; the British (red), Dutch (orange), Hanoverians (yellow), Hessians (blue). Regiments are named.
The General Officers of the First Line are Field Marshals Prince Waldeck and Count Bathianÿ, Generals Ligonier, Sommerfeldt, Prince Hilburgshausen, Daun, Chanclos [inserted in a different hand], Palffÿ; Lieutenant-Generals Hawleÿ, L’Albemarle, Prince Hesse, Burmania, Schwartzenberg, Dongern, Mercÿ, defin, Philibert; Major-Generals Crawfurd, Hamerstein, Isenburgh, Klinkonstrom, Wolf, Ziwel, Clinstra, Willates, Aremberg, Betlehem, Uÿvarÿ, Sincer, Buebla, Bournovile, Walbrun, Bentheim; Brigadiers Bligh, Wreden, douglas, Price, Block, Borck, Elias, grotenraÿ, Sturler.
The General Officers of the Second Line are Generals Ligonier, Gaÿsrougg; Lieutenant-Generals dalwig, druchleben, Mansback, La Lippe, Tornaco, grüne, Hollÿ; Major-Generals Bland, Montignÿ, Howard, d'Envie, Lindtman, Wied, Haller, d'Arberg, durlach, Winckelman, Buckow; Brigadiers Adelepsen, Houghton, Mordaunt, Sporken, van Leÿden, Rooder v. He: [van Hekeren].
The General Officers of the Third Line (divided into Premier Ligne and Seconde Ligne) are Lieutenant-Generals Coenders; Major-Generals Cannenburg, Count Hompesch, Mattha, Schack; Brigadiers Wrÿbergen, Schlippenbach, Schagen, Hoeuft v. Oÿen.
The Reserve Corps is under the command of General Prince Wolffenbüttel; Lieutenant-Generals Baronaÿ, Kollowrath, Trips; Major-Generals Spada, Radicatÿ, Lillers, Elberfeld, Radicatÿ, Moroz, Esterhazÿ.
? François Hancko (active 1741-8) (draughtsman)
Watermark: Fleur-de-lys in crowned shield, the letters IH below; countermark: I VILLEDARY
Mark, stamped: 582
Condition: nine fold lines; formerly folded to 13.5 x 10.4 cm; two tears along fold lines on right edge; brown stains to recto; heavy surface dirt on verso, especially on outside fold panel
37.7 x 51.9 cm (image)
39.8 x 51.9 cm (sheet)
Manuscript title:
Ordre de Battaille / de L'Armeé Allieé aux Pais Bas Sous les Ordres de S:A: Royale Monseigneur Le Duc de Cumberland en Chef. L'an 1747.
George III heading: Order of Battle 1747.
Other annotations: (Recto) [top right, ink:] 1747. (Verso) [bottom right, red pencil:] 11/9; [bottom right, black pencil:] XIII/5.
George III catalogue entry:
Order of Battle Ordre de Bataille de l'Armée Alliée aux Pais Bas sous les ordres du Duc de Cumberland en 1747.
Page revisions
14 March 2024
Current version